May 10, 2008 17:23
About a month or so back I took a flight to Baltimore. Then I took a hideously long bus ride to Charlottesville, VA. This was the first time I've been to the East Coast and pretty much the furthest from home that I've ever been.
I wasn't there to travel, have fun, or see any sights (although I did feel like my passport should have been stamped). I was there to row against UVA/Columbia/MSU (Wisco and UCF were there as well but we didn't race them). We didn't even get to go to DC or anything even though we were super close.
I came to a realization while I was there. I've been trying to cope with it ever since. That realization is that every single line that Morrissey writes, although clever, is completely terrible! I mean really, how unhappy would you have to be to enjoy that music let alone write it?
Maybe it's a good thing though, that I've been able to realize this. Maybe it means I'm not so miserable like I used to be. I know I'm not so miserable, everyone is commenting on how nice it is to see me laugh and smile again. So goodbye Morrissey and all of your miserable lyrics. I hope you can stop being sad someday.