wierd memories...

Nov 13, 2002 01:35

Just a random thought really...what is the earliest memory of your life you can recall?

I remember climbing out of my crib early in the morning before my parents woke up, stumbling over to my mother's closet, and hiding in it. When my mother would wake up and see me missing, I think I got some sinister kick out of it. Just giggling away in the closet with an innocent prank. I made a frequent practice of it.

I don't know what made me think of that. I suppose I got some nostalgia bug. Here's another one...as a young rug rat I used to be afraid of this raggedy old couch in the living room. Why? One night I was scared shitless by a nightmare in which Jesus Christ grabbed my ankles from underneath the couch and tried to pull me under. I kicked and screamed frantically trying to escape. To this day, I'm not sure if I got away. Ever since then that couch held a whole new meaning for me. Funny, huh?
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