May 04, 2008 17:20
Grah. I am BROKEN. Last night was the Fourteenhours album launch party. Fourteenhours are a pop band that the Very Secret History bassist Brian also plays in. I was guesting on keyboards for the night, and The Stantons were supporting, so I had 7 practices in 10 days leading up to it with both bands and a fairly full-on night last night. Great fun though. My friend Pete was organising the event as the 'practical' for his events management course and managed to get 160 punters through the doors of the Cab, so fair play to him. There was an aftershow at the City Cafe too with Mr Zimbabwe and Nomad Soul DJ'ing, including two plays of Calvin Littlest Album track 'The Birds And The Bees'. Hurrah for that. And it was part of Tigerfest, which I've had spectacularly little input to this year. But it's going to go swimmingly without me I'm sure!
A combination of just enough beer, adrenaline, tiredness and good spirits meant I was bouncing off the walls all night, and today I'm WRECKED - sore muscles, knackered and incredibly grateful for tomorrow's bank holiday. Saying that, I'm going out an hour from now for beer and skittles at a friend's birthday in the Sheep's Heid, Edinburgh's oldest boozer. Should be fun!
In other news...actually there might not be much. We found a wedding venue - St Stephen's on St Stephen's Street - and hopefully we'll have a confirmed date of Oct 4th next week, so fingers crossed. Five months today! Better find caterers...
Having re-read the above, it's very dull, but I am very sleepy...