Latop and neck update

Feb 09, 2009 15:59

Hey all, long time no post, I promised myself I'd post more this year. So much for that. I'm sure a good amount of you noticed mr pretty much vanish recently, well, there is a reason. I went to a local anime con and fursuited, well, some fangirl tried to perform a running jumping glomp on me, and missed. She did manage to grab me by the laniard I clip my badges to and yank ithard and fast enough. I felt my neck jerk hard, then blacked out and fell. I was a mess for a few days, but am better now. My laptop on the other hand, well, it's fucked. I had it on me only because we changed hotels mid con and I couldn't drop my stuff off for a while, and it took most of the force of the fall. The screen is badly cracked .and my pixles are bleeding out the rear, it really is a piece of art. Anyway, till it's fixed all Internet activity will be run from my iPhone. I will be at fwa, and I've slowed my drinking, later now

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