Nov 07, 2008 01:51
my name is kevin, and I have been one of doug best freinds since grade 7. Doug is sound asleep right now, and may kill me for posting this, but he needs help. Tonight he went a little over the top suring a football and bowling party and had way too much to drink. I am worried, this is not like him at all, and I know the problem, but to understand what he has become, you need to know why. He had a mate named kaliden that lived in Canada, bit in the end, the long distance was too much to overcome for him. Then he met a local named ahote wolf. He was happier than I ever remember him being in the 8 or so years I have known him. He was truly in love. He said that what really kept his spirits up was not just his pals, but mostly his mate. The went to a convention in memphis together, but when they came back something didn't quite feel right. We suspected doug's mate had been unfaithful, but he refused to beleive us. A true lover would never cheat. A few weeks later he came into work in tears. "he admitted to cheating on mr at the con with durango dingo" were his exact words. He also added the real reason for his breakup was that ahote couldn't garuntee faithfulness in the future. This killed him. He has since forgotton how to be happy. He has been very very drunk a few times. He hurts knowing that ahote doesn't care. He knew during the relationship that ahote's dogs and friends came way before the mate. He is a lonely and hurt and broken person and until he finds a boyfriend to help mend his broken heart, he won't be the doug I grew up with. He is in some very serious emotional pain. I want all of you his fur friends to be nice to him, especially knowing that the one thing I have learned about my best pal is that he is so very sweet that he has a very fragile emotional state that is easily broken by trauma. I hope some locals see this andare single, because we want the old doug, the happy jovial not drunk doug back. We miss him and really think he deserves someone who can really make him happy. Thank you, and now I will make sure he sleeps through the night okay. He has admitted to not sleeping well anymore since the admission of cheating.