Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oct 30, 2011 16:18

Want to know how to get your journal linked on the_spdn? Then head on over to our sign up post on prairie_team . We will only link to journals that comment on that post, so head on over and join the Shippy Prairie Dog Network! :)

d-r-meta discusses the missing S1 episode

In the Making by keep_counting (Ten/Rose, slight Nine/Rose | PG)
Into the Howling: Chapter 4 by timelord1 (Ten/Rose | Teen)
Same Ol' Thursday by charlottetrips (Ten/Rose | R)
The Luckiest by onabearskinrug (TenII/Rose | G)
Into the Howling: Chapter 5 by timelord1 (Ten/Rose | Teen)
Song of the Mirror Maker by tenandi (AUTen/Rose | R)
The Lost Day - Chapter 9 by who-in-whoville (Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose | Teen)
What About Now? by country-who (Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose | G)
Resistance 16/? by clouds-fic (Ten/Rose | M)
Growing Pains by lorelaisquared (Ten/Rose | PG)
Dark and Stormy Night by lillibetm3 (Nine/Rose | Teen)
Who You Gonna Call? by timelord1 (Ten/Rose | Adult)
Two Hearts Beating by country-who (TenII/Rose | PG)
The Lost Day - Chapter 10 by who-in-whoville (Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose | Teen)
The Engineer's Gift (27/27) by shan21non (Ten/Rose | PG-13 | Crossover with Firefly)
Depth By Chocolate by jer832 (Nine/Rose | NC-17)

ladymanson has a Nine/Rose wallpaper

The Shippy Prairie Dog Recommends:

DW Specials Cast and Crew on Youtube. (Includes dancing David and Billie!)

You can reach us in the comments or at
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