Sunday 26th June 2011

Jun 26, 2011 21:34

Want to know how to get your journal linked on the_spdn? Then head on over to our sign up post on prairie_team. We will only link to journals that comment on that post, so head on over and join the Shippy Prairie Dog Network! :)


d_r_meta talks about the Doctor and Rose in Tooth & Claw
naty_seixas talks about her favourite D/R quote
naty_seixas talks about her favourite D/R scene
d_r_meta talks about the Bad Wolf
kilodalton talks about her favourite D/R quote


Needs Must by karenscribbles (Rose/Ten II | Adult)
Closure (7/?) by pixiestick_cc (Rose/Eleven | G)
A Clock's Dial (13/?) by lostwolfchats (Rose/Ten | 13/?)
You won't feel a think by die2nitelive4ev (Rose/Eleven, Rose/Ten II | PG-13)
Pink and Yellow by lillibetm3 (Rose/Ten | Teen)
His lightning girl by jtbridget (Rose/Nine | G)
You're What? (45/?) by amberfocus (Rose/Nine | Adult)
On The Still Path (1/?) by tala_hiding (Rose/Nine | T)
The Doctor Discovers LJ by kelkat9 (Rose/Ten II | Adult)
The Ghost in the Machine (1/3?) by lunawho (Rose/Ten II, (and Peter/Olivia) | K | Fringe crossover, spoilers to 3x22)
Her Tenderness by fannishliss (Rose/Nine | G)
Carousel by orange_crushed (Rose/Ten | PG)
The Fearful Child (6/?) by skyeblux (Rose/Ten | PG-13)
Where Are You Roaming? (12/25) by lorelaisquared (Rose/Ten II, Rose/Ten | PG)
The Best is Yet to Come: (2 & 3/?), (4, 5 & 6/?)(7 & 8/?), (9, 10 & 11/?) by who_in_whoville (Rose/Ten II | PG-13)
The Forgotten Day (3/5) & (4/5) by psyfi_geekgirl (Rose/Ten | Twelve)
The Eternal Adventure (5/?) and (6/?) by kelkat9 (Rose/Ten II | PG)
Tenth Doctor Drabble Spree Drabbles #3 by amberfocus (Rose/Ten | up to Teen)
Better (6/?) by jiji_bean (Rose/Ten II | Teen)
From the Sky to the Ground, They All Fall Down (1/2) and (2/2) by jessicaqueen (Rose/Ten | PG-13)


effulgent_girl has screencaps of the s1 trailers and DVD featurettes


Sandcastles in the Sand by winninghearts


A 34 days of Doctor/Rose meme for you to complete should you choose by naty_seixas

The Shippy Prairie Dog Recommends:

The vid Sandcastles in the Sand by winninghearts - if you watch How I Met Your Mother at all, you'll appreciate how perfect this song is for the Doctor and Rose!

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