Feb 17, 2005 21:44
thoreau writes, “the universe is wider than our views of it.”
i guess, in a sense, this is a meaningless statement of the hello-obvious, but the entire notion of an uncertain and infinite perception of not just tangible surroundings, but the vastness of space and entirety of human experience (being the universe) is absolutely one of the most inspiring concepts around. how limited is personal human experience? distinctly limited enough to shade our understanding of the universe.
as humans, we are aware of the space and humanity around us, but we hold biased opinions based on human superficiality and the natural instinct to distract ourselves with ostentatious things within society.
as humans, we become so absorbed by the petty distractions of our own daily lives and cycles, that we are unable to fully appreciate life and nature, or even explore the realms of our own minds.
as humans, a lot of the universe is internal; it is everything associated with yourself, your surroundings and your possessions (or what is around you excluding physical structures and what is classified as surroundings.) but push the limits, both internally and physically. there are no guidelines, no specifications or suggestions except to look further than the rest and explore your thoughts and look past your own universe into everything in existence whether it is known to humans or not.
so dictate the stars.
sidenote: i am bathing in run on sentences