Кому интересно - минимальный список теоретической литературы для курса M.St. in Modern Languages.
Mst Theory Reading List
Session 1: What is Literature?
Session 2: What is an Author?
Session 3: Readers and Reading
There will be FOUR further sessions in Hilary term, which will cover topics such as:
Feminism/ Gender Studies
Marxism/ History / Ideology
Post-Colonial Studies
There are two excellent Readers in which you will find much of the material you will need
Modern Criticism and Theory, 2nd ed., Lodge and Wood eds., Longman, 2000
Literary Theory: An Anthology, Rivkin and Ryan eds., Blackwell, 2nd edition, 2004
Do try to read as much as you can over the vacation, especially for the first three sessions. You will be expected to prepare for every seminar by reading the core texts; you are also required to produce at least one (15 minute max.) class presentation, in which you should not only summarise the core argument of the texts, but also explain what is at stake in them.
For the 5000-word essay that you submit for the MSt/MPhil examination, you must choose a different topic from the seminar presentation. You will be asked to submit a short statement (title, approach and reading list) for the essay by 5th week of Hilary Term. The last class will be in 7th week to allow you good time to write up.
NOTE: The weekly Lecture series on Theory will continue in Hilary Term.
Session 1: The Notion of Literature
Core Reading:
Aristotle, Poetics I and IV. Russell and Winterbottom (eds.), Classical Literary
Criticism (1989); (eds.) Murray and Dorsch, Classical Literary Criticism
Horace, The Art of Poetry. Also available in the above volumes.
Roman Jakobson, ‘Linguistics and Poetics’, David Lodge (ed.), Modern Criticism
and Theory: A Reader (2000)
Viktor SHKLOVSKY, ‘Art as Technique’ (Ryan and Rivkin Reader)
Jean-Paul Sartre, Qu’est-ce que la littérature? [trans. What is Literature?] (1948)
Roland Barthes, Writing Degree Zero (original 1953). Extract in Susan Sontag
(ed.) Barthes: Selected Writings (1982)
R. BARTHES, ‘Ecrivains et écrivants’, Essais Critiques I (1964), trs. ‘Authors and
Writers’, Critical Essays (also in A Barthes Reader. ed. Sontag).
Raymond Williams, ‘Literature’, Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society
Further Reading:
Terry Eagleton, ‘Introduction: What is Literature?’, Literary Theory: An Introduction
M.H. Abrams, The Mirror and the Lamp (1953), Ch. 1
Roland Barthes, Leçon (1978), also in Sontag (ed.) Barthes: Selected Writings (1982)
Tony Bennett, Outside Literature (1990)
Jacques Derrida, ‘This Strange Institution Called Literature’, Derek Attridge (ed.),
Acts of Literature (1991)
Boris Eikhenbaum, ‘The Theory of the Formal Method’, Lee T. Lemon and Marion J.
Reis, Russian Formalist Criticism: Four Essays (1965)
Gerard Genette, Fiction et Diction, trs. Fiction and Diction (1991)
Nicholas Harrison (ed.), The Idea of the Literary, Paragraph 28.2 (2005)
René Wellek and Austin Warren, Theory of Literature (3rd ed. 1963), Ch. 1
Session 2: What is an Author?
Core Reading:
W.K. Wimsatt, ‘The Intentional Fallacy’, The Verbal Icon (1958)
E.D. Hirsch, ‘In Defence of the Author’, Validity in Interpretation (1967)
Roland Barthes, ‘The Death of the Author’, (Lodge Reader)
Michel Foucault, ‘What is an Author’ (Lodge Reader)
Further Reading:
Jose Luis Borges, ‘Borges and I’, Labyrinths (1964)
Seán Burke (ed.), Authorship: From Plato to the Postmodern: A Reader (1995)
[contains essays by Wimsatt, Hirsch, Barthes, Foucault, and Borges] and The
Death and Return of the Author: Criticism and Subjectivity in Barthes, Foucault and Derrida (1992)
Newton de Molina (ed.), On Literary Intention (1976)
E.D. Hirsch, The Aims of Interpretation (1976), esp. Chapter 5
Session 3: Readers and Reading
Core Reading:
Wolfgang Iser, ‘The Reading Process: A Phenomenological Approach’ (Lodge
Stanley Fish, Is There a Text in This Class? (1980), especially:
‘Is There a Text in This Class?’
‘How to Recognise a Text When You See One’
‘Why No One’s Afraid of Wolfgang Iser’
Hans Robert Jauss, ‘Literary History as a Challenge to Literary Theory’, Toward an
Aesthetics of Reception (1982)
Roland Barthes, S/Z (1970) and Le plaisir du texte (1973), trs. The Pleasure of the
Text, S. Sontag (ed.) Barthes: Selected Writings (1982) contains an extract
Frank Kermode, ‘Why are Narratives Obscure?’, The Genesis of Secrecy (1979)
Further Reading:
Jane Tompkins (ed.), Reader-Response Criticism (1980) [contains essays by
Riffaterre, Poulet, Iser, Culler, Holland and Bleich, plus a good introduction]
Jonathan Culler, ‘Semiotics as a Theory of Reading’, The Pursuit of Signs (1981)
and ‘Readers and Reading’, On Deconstruction (1983)
Judith Fetterley, ‘On the Politics of Literature,’ The Resisting Reader (1978)
Elizabeth Freund, The Return of the Reader (1987)
Robert Holub, Reception Theory (1984)
Wolfgang Iser, The Act of Reading (1978) and ‘Talk like Whales’, Diacritics 11.3
David Shepherd, ‘Bakhtin and the Reader’, Hirschkop and Shepherd (eds.),
Bakhtin and Cultural Theory (1989)
Core Reading:
Ferdinand de SAUSSURE, Cours de linguistique générale; trs. Course in General Linguistics
(extracts in Rivkin & Ryan Reader, Lodge Reader)
Roman JAKOBSON, ‘Linguistics and Poetics’, ‘The Metaphoric and the Metonymic Poles’
(Lodge Reader)
Claude LEVI-STRAUSS, L’anthropologie structurale (1958, 1973) Trs. Structural
Anthropology, esp.
‘Structural Analysis in Linguistics and in Anthropology’
‘The Structural Study of Myth’ (Rivkin & Ryan Reader)
Roland BARTHES, « Introduction à l’analyse narrative structurale », Poétique du récit
(eds. Barthes et al.)
trs. ‘Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narrative’, (ed.) Stephen Heath, Image-Music-Text (1977) and (ed.) Susan Sontag, Barthes: Selected Writings (1982)
Gérard GENETTE, « Structuralisme et critique littéraire », Figures I (1966)
Trs. ‘Structuralism and Literary Criticism’, Figures of Literary Discourse (1982)
« La structure, le signe et le jeu dans les sciences humaines », L’écriture et la différence (1967) ; trs. ‘Structure, sign and play in the discourse of the human sciences’ (Lodge Reader)
« Force et signification », L’écriture et la différence (1967); trs. ‘Force and Signification’, Writing and Difference (1978)
Further Reading:
Roland Barthes
« L’activité structuraliste », Essais critiques (1964); trs. Critical Essays
Critique et vérité (1966); trs. Criticism and Truth
Jonathan Culler, Structuralist Poetics: Structuralism and the Study of Literature (1975)
Terry Eagleton, ‘Structuralism and Semiotics’, Literary Theory: An Introduction (1983)
A.-J. Greimas, Sémantique structurale (1966); trs. Structural Semantics (1983)
Ann Jefferson, ‘Structuralism and Post-Structuralism’, Jefferson and Robey (eds.),
Modern Literary Theory (2nd ed. 1986)
Poétique (1968, 1973); trs. Introduction to Poetics
Poétique de la prose (1971); trs. The Poetics of Prose (1977)
Core Reading:
Freud, Art and Literature, Pelican Freud Library, vol. 14, especially:
‘Jensen’s Gradiva’
The Interpretation of Dreams (Rivkin and Ryan Reader)
‘The “Uncanny’ (Rivkin and Ryan Reader)
C.G. Jung, ‘Psychology and Literature,’ Modern Man in Search of a Soul (1933)
Lacan, Jacques
« L’instance de la lettre dans l’inconscient », Écrits (1966); trs. ‘The insistence of the letter in the unconscious’ (Lodge Reader; Rivkin & Ryan Reader)
« Le stade du miroir comme formateur de la fonction du Je », Écrits; trs. ‘The Mirror Stage,’ (Rivkin & Ryan Reader)
« Le séminaire sur ‘La lettre volée’ », Écrits (1966); trs. ‘The Purloined Letter’, Yale French Studies, 48, 1972
Peter BROOKS, ‘Freud’s Masterplot: A Model for Narrative’, Reading for the Plot: Design
and Intention in Narrative (1984)
Shoshana FELMAN, ‘The Case of Poe: Applications/ Implications of Psychoanalysis’,
Jacques Lacan and the Adventure of Insight (1987)
Further Reading:
Peter BROOKS, ‘Fictions of the Wolfman: Freud and Narrative Understanding,’ Reading for
the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative (1984)
Maud ELLMANN (ed.), Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism (1994)
Shoshana FELMAN, ‘Turning the Screw of Interpretation’, ‘Literature and Psychoanalysis.
The Question of Reading: Otherwise’, Yale French Studies, no. 55-56 (1977)
FREUD, ‘Creative writers and day-dreaming’ and ‘Leonardo da Vinci and a memory of his
childhood’, Art and Literature, Pelican Freud Library, vol. 14
Laplanche and Pontalis, Vocabulaire de la psychanalyse (1967); trs. The Language of
Psychoanalysis (1973)
Elizabeth WRIGHT, Psychoanalytic Criticism (1984, 2nd ed. 1998), and ‘Modern
Psychoanalytic Criticism’, Modern Literary Theory (eds. Jefferson and Robey)
Slavoj ZIZEK, ‘Two Ways to Avoid the Real of Desire,’ Looking Awry. An Introduction to
Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture (1992)
Core Reading:
Hélène CIXOUS, ‘Sorties’ (Lodge Reader) and ‘Le rire de la Méduse’, L’Arc (1975);
trs. ‘The Laugh of the Medusa’ Trans. Keith Cohen and Paula Cohen. Signs 1
(1976): 875-93. [reprinted in English in New French Feminisms, Elaine Marks and Isabelle de Courtivron (eds), University of Massachusetts Press, 1980]
Luce IRIGARAY, ‘The Power of Discourse and the Subordination of the Feminine’
(Rivkin & Ryan Reader)
Elaine SHOWALTER, ‘Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness’ (Lodge Reader)
Gayatri Chakravorty SPIVAK, ‘Feminism and Critical Theory’ (Lodge Reader)
Judith BUTLER, ‘Imitation and Gender Insubordination’ (**Rivkin & Ryan Reader,
2002 Revised ed. only) and ‘Performative Acts and Gender Constitution’
(Rivkin & Ryan Reader)
Eve Kosofky SEDGWICK, ‘Between Men’ (**Rivkin & Ryan Reader, 2002 Revised
ed. only) and ‘Epistemology of the Closet’ (Rivkin & Ryan Reader)
Michel Foucault, ‘The History of Sexuality’ (Rivkin & Ryan Reader)
Further Reading:
Mary Eagleton (ed.) Feminist Literary Theory: A Reader (1986) and Feminist
Literary Criticism (1991)
Toril MOI, What is a Woman? (1999) esp. Ch. 1
Ruth Robbins, Literary Feminisms (2000)
Domna STANTON, ‘Difference on Trial: A Critique of the Maternal Metaphor in
Cixous, Irigaray and Kristeva’, The Poetics of Gender, (ed. Nancy K.
Miller) 1986
Core Reading:
« Signature événement contexte», Marges de la philosophie (1972)
trs. ‘Signature Event Context’, Margins of Philosophy
« Ce dangereux supplément», De la grammatologie (1967)
trs. ‘That Dangerous Supplement’, Of Grammatology (**Rivkin & Ryan
Reader, 2002 Revised ed. only)
« La structure, le signe et le jeu dans les sciences humaines », L’écriture et
la différence (1967)
trs. ‘Structure, sign and play in the discourse of the human sciences’ (Lodge
« La différance », Marges de la philosophie, trs. ‘Différance’ (1960) (Rivkin & Ryan Reader)
Paul DE MAN, ‘The Resistance to Theory’ (Lodge Reader)
Barbara JOHNSON, ‘Frames of Reference: Poe, Lacan, Derrida,’ in The Critical
Difference (1980)
Further Reading:
Jonathan CULLER, On Deconstruction (1983)
J. DERRIDA, ‘La mythologie blanche’, in Marges (1972), trs. ‘White mythology’,
Margins and Positions (1972), trs. Position
P. DE MAN, Allegories of Reading (1979)
Christina HOWELLS, Derrida: Deconstruction from Phenomenology to Ethics
Christopher JOHNSON, System and Writing in the Philosophy of Jacques Derrida
Sarah Kofman, Lectures de Derrida (1984
Vincent B. Leitch, Deconstructive Criticism: An Advanced Introduction (1983)
Christopher NORRIS, Deconstruction: Theory and Practice (1982) and Derrida
Core Reading:
Louis ALTHUSSER, ‘Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses’ (Rivkin & Ryan
Mikhaïl BAKHTIN, ‘From the Prehistory of Novelistic Discourse’ (Lodge Reader) or
‘Discourse in the Novel’ (Rivkin & Ryan Reader)
Roland BARTHES, « Le discours sur l’histoire », Le bruissement de la langue (1984)
trs. ‘The Discourse of History’, The Rustle of Language (1986); Michael Lane
(ed.) Structuralism: A Reader (1966); D. Walder (ed.), Literature and the
Modern World
Walter BENJAMIN, ‘The Storyteller’ (Lodge Reader)
Stephen GREENBLATT, ‘Fiction and Friction’, Shakespearean Negotiations (1988)
Pierre MACHEREY, Pour une théorie de la production littéraire (1966)
trs. ‘For a Theory of Literary Production’ (Rivkin & Ryan Reader)
Further Reading:
Etienne BALIBAR and Pierre MACHEREY, ‘On Literature as an Ideological Form’
(1974), Eagleton & Drew (eds.) Marxist Literary Theory; Walder (ed.),
Literature and the Modern World
Pierre BOURDIEU, The Field of Cultural Production: Essays on Art and
Literature (1992)
Lucien Goldmann, Le dieu caché (1956), trs. The Hidden God (1964)
Frederic JAMESON, ‘The Politics of Theory’ (Lodge Reader)
Georg LUKACS, The Meaning of Contemporary Realism (1963), esp. ‘The Ideology
of Modernism’
Raymond WILLIAMS, Marxism and Literature (1977), Keywords (1976)
Postcolonial studies
Core Reading:
Frantz Fanon, Peau noire, masques blancs [trs. Black Skin, White Masks] (1965)
‘The Fact of blackness’, The Post-Colonial Studies Reader, (eds.) B. Ashcroft,
G. Griffiths, H. Tiffin (1995) and ‘On National Culture’ (Colonial Discourse/Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader (eds.) P. Williams & C. Chisman (1994)
F. Fanon, Les damnés de la terre, trs. The Wretched of the Earth, esp. ‘Concerning
Violence’ (1967)
Edward Said, Orientalism (1978)
Culture and Imperialism (1993), esp. ‘Jane Austen and Empire’
Homi K. Bhabha, The Location of Culture (1994), esp. ‘The Commitment to
Theory’ and ‘Of Mimicry and Man: The Ambivalence of Colonial Discourse’
Gayatri Spivak, ‘Can the Subaltern Speak?’ Laura Chrisman and Patrick Williams
Colonial Discourse and Postcolonial Theory: A Reader (1994)
Stuart Hall, ‘Cultural Identity and Diaspora’, available in the above reader.
Further Reading:
Aijaz Ahmad, In Theory: Classes, Nations, Literatures (1992)
Ania Loomba, Colonialism/Postcolonialism (1998)
Bart Moore-Gilbert, Postcolonial Theory (1997)
Ashis Nandy, The Intimate Enemy: Loss and Recovery of Self Under Colonialism
Benita Parry, ‘Problems in Current Theories of Colonial Discourse’, Postcolonial
Studies: A Materialist Critique (2004)
Robert Young, White Mythologies: Writing History and the West (1990)