There's a Hole in the World

May 31, 2004 16:09

Well, this weekend sure has been interesing...Renaissance Fair has been one of the best times I have had this whole year. Who knew that I would like getting flogged so much? (For those who don't know, getting flogged is being beaten with one of those whips with a bunch of leather straps on the end, although some are metal...) Also, I found out that I am something of a really good flogger myself. One of Ibsen's friends (Lynn) who works there really likes getting flogged, and I swear I have not before seen anyone as horny as she was after I flogged her. Haha, funny thing is that after that she didn't really want anyone else flogging her because she was too sore XD. So yeah, it was really fun there, we got to hang out with Lynn at the shop she works at (where we got some free alcohol, and even better was that it was caramel-flavored ^_^), got great food, checked out lots of places for things to buy, and overall just enjoyed the friendly (and drunken) atmosphere. Yesterday was the play at school. I was one of two people to work on Stage Crew, and it was kinda fun. The only problem was that I felt so shitty soon after the first performance started, and I stayed that way until a while after the second (and last) one. By dinner at Carrow's I seemed to have lightened up a lot, but I still felt like crap. Some people spent a lot of time trying to cheer me up, but as usual nothing worked. Right now I'm working on my essays, so that isn't helping much. It's a good thing I'm not as bad as yesterday or I might be having a real problem right now >_< Time for me to go back to work, I still have to turn in my job application and get my Ozzfest tickets today. - Phil
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