Kyu test and band stuff

Mar 22, 2006 22:59

So i tested for 3rd kyu monday after yet another longer-than-it-should-have-been wait. All in all it went pretty well, couple minor slip ups here and there but nothing worth reporting. I hate testing tho, its definatly nerve racking, mind you its kind of like playing a show in that im nervous up until its "go time" and then its buisness as usual. Only difference is i dont have beer to take the edge off before a kyu test hehe. So with this belt i officially have caught up with Dainius ;p took me 3 years and 4 extra kyus to go through but im there.

In band related news we are still having a hell of a time getting together to practice due to various reasons. If its not skool for me, Justin and Tyler, its work for Brandon. Thus we havent practiced together as a band for literally 2 months now, its always been some combination of the three of us. However that doesnt mean we've been inactive, Justin and i have been writing like mad trying to finish our goal of 3 new songs before we play another show. This week Tyler was back due to this college strike so we jammed twice this week and got started on teaching him the 2 songs we have fully finished.

Honestly, we finalized this 1 song that is unbelievable. All of us feel the same way in that we CANT WAIT to play this one live, its just the most satisfying song in terms of everything about it and its been in all of our heads ever since we finished it. Thus its going to KILL me not to get to play another show until May 17 or something when we go back to Ottawa. One of these days we'll play another show in TO, hopefully ppl will actually be around for it this time.
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