Snuglies-fanfic: It Never Goes to Plan

Sep 19, 2006 12:57

Title: It Never Goes to Plan
Author: drbillbongo
Fandom: Football RPS
Disclaimer: Timo and Philipp belong to each other ahem... themselves. I don't claim to know them and this very probably didn't happen.
Pairing: Timo Hildebrand/Philipp Lahm - others implied
Rating: hard R or light NC-17 - you choose
Summary: Timo makes a discovery and gets nervous. This feeling doesn't fade when Philipp offers to help him.
Author's Note: This fic was inspired by something that actually happened to me in June (well, some of it). I put the Snuglies in the place of myself and my former crush - and it became a monster.
Word Count: 11,930
Blame: rotschopf, my Timo, who said I should write this, fed crack and carrots to my plotbunny and was such a great help with everything. I'm indebted to you, darling. <3! So, if something sounds good, it was quite possibly her idea. :D
Beta courtesy: kalymura proofread this and managed to give it back to me within 2 days. This is a total record. O_O I'm so grateful there are no words OMG. *glomptackles and never lets go* <3!!
Cut goes to my journal.

( Timo Hildebrand, freshly showered, had just been drying himself with a towel when he started suddenly with an almost inaudible gasp. )

.philipp lahm, team: german national team, *fic: english, .timo hildebrand

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