Unless you're a baker which I am not. So yeah, missed the run this morning cause it was too early and I'm all stuffed up thanks to Logan who made me sick. Haven't been swimming recently and I'm really feeling the lack of it. Feelin depressed, cranky, slow, fat, etc etc. It's remedied by swimming so I'll go tonight... oh, I have a lab tonight, right. Crap. Tomorrow, then. Sorry if I get all snarky with you when I talk to ya.
I went running yesterday morning with Claire/Aimee/Danielle and it was fun. I'm out of shape and still very heavy on my shins, but new running shoes at least, so I can keep up. Not being able to breath through my nose is killer, though. Ah well. On the downside, I came home and slept through all my classes. :toot:
It's getting warm, once again, which is nice for walking outside but not so much when you're indoors on the 6th floor. Dying of heat once again, but I'm ALMOST freakin' done. I had a really good year, actually, and I'm interested to see how the next one will be, minus the crap I had to go through throughout most of my first semester. I'm taking Latin, Bio, ASCI, Psychology and Botany (lol) next year, and that should be cool. I know NOTHING about botany, but hey, it's a skill and I'll take it. Latin is also going to be a wakeup call. I'll actually get to learn something, maybe, instead of just faking it.
And since no entry would be complete without my whining about my ex, here it is: she said hi to me this morning and we chatted about nothing for a bit. Either she's lonely or she wants to try to convince me that we can 'be friends ^___^', but I find myself caring less and less about what happens between us. Do I actually think we'll be good friends at some point? Nope. However, do I feel actively hostile towards her anymore? Nope, that neither. Just somewhere in between. I feel like I'm under my own power again, and as I've mentioned in previous posts, I'm beginning to see girls that I wouldn't have seen before to my liking. It's a fun time again, even if the nights are quiet, sometimes.
Anyway, crescent moon tonight, guys! That's awesome. It's like 'God's toenail', according to that kid in angels in the outfield, and I like that description so I'm keeping it. Nyah.
In other other news, I got facebook after three people in the same day yelled at me to get it. I could ignore two, but three people just made me fold and do it. I don't get it, but it is interesting to see how you're attached to people through your friends. Anyway
http://uoguelph.facebook.com/profile.php?id=120805519 is my profile, so GO THERE and post on my board so I feel validated. Oh internet-san ^^;;