Way OTP.....

Jun 07, 2005 13:04

Mary GrandPre, who a resident of Minneapolis (I know someone who knows her), designed the poster for this year's Minnesota State Fair. I know this is only related to HP by the thinnest of threads, but the poster is pretty cool.

Here is the link: http://www.msffoundation.org/

And for a HP question, not related to the current read-a-long -- Mr. Counsel works at for Large Chain Bookstore. They are going to have the obligatory midnight release party. I helped out with the last one, and never ever again. (Got a free copy of the book, though.) Anyhow, last time he was Hagrid. Any suggestions for other characters he could easily dress up as? He is kind of a big guy with a very full goatee, hence the Hagrid. I was thinking of dying his beard and having him go as Dumbledore. Since he is going to have to be there, I was planning at attending, in full Muggle-wear, but wanted to dress little Scooter up. Should he be BabyHarry or someone/something else? Mr. Counsel was thinking of having him go as BabyDraco except BabyCounsel has brown eyes. Suggestions are welcome. I will need the time to work out a costume.

Thanks everyone.
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