Chapter Thirty-Four

Apr 30, 2005 08:53

The Department of MysteriesStill behind, and sadly going to become more so: I'm away for the next two weeks/months. (I'll still be here commenting, though.) Still, I'll be back pre-OotP, and owing about twelve chapters, so perhaps I can manage a kind of countdown every day, if that's okay with Mira ( Read more... )

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merrymelody May 6 2005, 21:26:31 UTC
Wow! People exist despite Rowling's personal opinions! How weird! I assumed that when she said she didn't agree with something, they'd go to church and repent. Or at the very least, curl up in a ball and silently wait for death.

I wasn't irked by Harry not asking for help or being clueless over girls, personally, and I'm very easily irritated. I was irked by him being a nasty, meanspirited jerk. I guess because...I'm a fangirl? I must have been too busy gazing at my Tom Felton/insert HP guy who is Teh Sexxor!111 here poster, and missed the part where Rowling expected me to find nasty meanspirited characters likeable and sympathetic. (I can like jerks, as my taste indicates very well, but as psychic_serpent has so insightfully worked out, I can't really reconcile what's being presented: Harry's a great guy, for example, although there's dozens of HP characters with similiar issues portrayal-wise; with what I'm reading.

And what's with that odd Cho paragraphs? I mean, really, if we want to talk fangirls, the whole 'OMG, Cho is so evil, her horrible vagina forced Harry to put aside Quidditch and she's so awful, especially next to manly men like Cedric and Harry who is mine!1111' is afar stronger argument, ironically. Not to mention 'Even though Hermione is so very kind in giving the evil Cho so much credit by assuming she's a normal human being with complex emotions rather than a fame-crazed slut harpy, she is still not sensitive enough in realising that Harry is the most important person in this, and indeed, any situation.
Mind you, at least she and Cho redeemed themselves from the carnal sin of being goodlooking (bitches!) by showing that they thought well of Harry and Ron, which is the most 'moral' act you can make, apparently.
I see straussmonster liked it, of course. Perhaps they could go read each other pages on high school ethics classes and leave the sane alone.


sistermagpie May 6 2005, 22:24:01 UTC
Yeah, I can't comment on that since as usual I haven't done my homework so am forced to just talk in non-specialized language. But it seems like quite an exaggeration--like the kind of thing we do here for laughs but serious.

I mean, Cho's a regular teenaged girl, not perfect, not evil. Harry's a teenaged boy who thinks she's pretty, is irritated by the fact that she's things besides pretty, is insensitive. She gets mad at him, he gets mad at her.

Everything Harry does does not have to reveal his superior moral compass. I still fail to see any examples of Harry ever choosing what's right over what's easy, just because a) he rarely wants to do the easy thing when it comes to heroics (as opposed to when it comes to homework--and there he picks easy without a second thought); and b) what he wants to do almost always goes along with the "right" thing anyway. It's not like he made the hard choice in dumping Cho--she annoyed him and disagreed with him and he snapped at her. Easy.

Well, it goes back to the whole, "Harry makes a moral choice by turning down Slytherin!" idea.


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