Chapter Thirty-Four

Apr 30, 2005 08:53

The Department of MysteriesStill behind, and sadly going to become more so: I'm away for the next two weeks/months. (I'll still be here commenting, though.) Still, I'll be back pre-OotP, and owing about twelve chapters, so perhaps I can manage a kind of countdown every day, if that's okay with Mira ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

violaswamp April 30 2005, 18:08:25 UTC
Why is Hermione so frightened by the veil? Does she just instinctively sense that it will kill you to pass through it, or what?

I think it's supposed to be because Hermione's too mundane, and the veil is associated with the otherworldly (which is why Luna's the one who explains stuff about it to Harry at the end of the book).

Goddammit, Hermione! How dare you question Harry? I know everyone took a massive risk in fleeing school, sending Umbridge to the centaurs, fighting the Inquistorial Squad, riding thestrals, breaking into the MoM and passing by the veil; for a wild goose chase, but still! They should be glad to have a chance to prove their loyalty and usefulness to Harry. Or something.

What sort of a medal do you think Ron and Luna deserve for being in close proximity to Harry and Hermione without killing or even hitting either of them?


gillieweed April 30 2005, 19:28:24 UTC
A Big Shiny one for sure!


sistermagpie April 30 2005, 20:23:31 UTC
Teh Angst, even of riding a thestral.

How on earth does Luna stay on? Sticking charm?

So I presume security are absent because then Harry et al would have to turn in their wands and JKR couldn’t come up with a reason why they might be absent, other than whatever it is, it’s ominous? Good plotting, there! Not.

It's really bad, this bit. No security at all in a place that's been built up as the place where the most important things in the WW are kept? This place makes Hogwarts look like Fort Knox!

Gratitude! From Harry! Sure it’s to an animal, but still! *marks down*

Oh, but this is just a sign of Harry's great compassion that gives him so much pain. He's always kind to animals. Except when he's in a pissy mood...

Hee! Harry does have rather a utilitarian approach to friendship at times. Ack! That link! Not for the link itself but because it contains the birth of the most annoying lj-er Harry-fan ever! That chick who rants on and on about her fanfic-version of Harry and pulls stuff out of her arse whenever somebody ( ... )


merrymelody April 30 2005, 21:50:22 UTC
the birth of the most annoying lj-er Harry-fan ever!

Oh, surely not?! (There should be some kind of competition...) Seriously, I fear that person (oddly enough, she emailed me today, after about a year... *looks into blocking users*)
If I had the vast experience of a high school psych class, I'd say she was a classic delusional, but sadly I just don't know as much about mental disorders as she obviously does (so ironic that's her chosen field...)


sistermagpie April 30 2005, 22:27:37 UTC
WTFOMGBBQ??! Good lord.


merrymelody April 30 2005, 22:30:38 UTC
And speaking of horrifyingly stupid arguments...(the whole thread is a wealth. I really shouldn't read these things before bed, as I think I've mentioned. It's terrible for my blood pressure! ;) Not to mention, I'm flying tomorrow. (Been promised 1hr+ of email/lj time a day, at least!)


little_aphid May 2 2005, 02:41:48 UTC
Hi. Friendly neighbourhood lurker here, and I just wanted to comment on one thing:

'I…I don't think Sirius is here.'
Nobody spoke. Harry did not want to look at any of them. He felt sick. He did not understand why Sirius was not here. He had to be here. This was where he, Harry, had seen him…

That "he, Harry," thing is a little bit heavy-handed. Nope, Sirius has to be here because Harry, had seen him. Not just because he, himself, had seen him, and he trusts his own judgement, but because he, Harry, the savior of all mankind, had seen him and is always right.
Yeah, she's not explicitly saying that, but dayamn, tone it down a little, JKR.


pacoman May 2 2005, 03:07:01 UTC
Rowling did that a lot on this book, too: "he, Harry".. "he, their leader" ... "he, the Chosen One" ... "he, the Key, the One who shall Open the Door" ... you get the idea.


merrymelody May 12 2005, 09:15:32 UTC
Yes, I imagine if he, Ron or she, Luna or he, Joe Schmoe had seen Sirius then there would be no certainty at all from anyone that he was present, but since He, Harry couldn't possibly make a mistake like a regular person...


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