Chapter Thirty

Apr 04, 2005 12:02

Grawp -

This’ll be fun! Who doesn’t like Grawp?

(Am still behind a good five chapters. I’ll post them sooner or later, unless Mirabella/y’all would rather we keep moving in a more linear fashion?)

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Part two. jollityfarm April 7 2005, 18:52:01 UTC
I’m still wondering why Fred and George didn’t just go get a job at Zonko’s.

I personally am wondering what Diagon Alley wants with more than one joke shop. Or indeed, any joke shops at all. Of course, I have never really found this stuff funny, so perhaps I'm not the best person to comment. I guess there's a lot of call for peurile bullying in the magical world. It's capitalism or something.

And what on earth did they find so fascinating about the Twins’ departure that they filled many hours? I can discuss it in three words: ‘They’re gone. Yay.’

I wonder myself. I remember reading a piece of fanfic that featured a grouphug lasting for half an hour, and how silly that looked. Even if one found the story of Fred and George's departure endlessly fascinating (which I don't, but that's just me and you there), how can it fill "several hours"? Especially since Harry is determined not to tell them why he wanted a distraction in the first place (even though that would just make them say "well, he deserved it")

I guess prying can work as a plot device for only so long, before you need to write a lack of interest again, since some revelations are being saved as surprises for later.

It is odd, I think, that Harry has not even dreamed of asking what his parents did for a living when they left school. He's never asked if they have graves, or if he has any relatives on his father's side. These are things I'd want to know at once, but Harry's concern about his parents only extends as far as feeling sorry for himself.

Anyway, Luna, ignore them! Stick with the Gryffindors! They only laugh at you behind your back!

I have said this before, of course, but I really dislike this attitude. People who laugh at you to your face are, of course, deplorable, but pretending to like you while secretly holding you in very low esteem because you're "weird" is perfectly reasonable and something anyone would do.

How do the other three teams not band together and demand an impartial commentator?

I know I would. Good news for the next book, though - Lee Jordan will have had to leave due to being too damn old to still be at school. I imagine Draco getting the commentary job and everyone hating it because he's OMG so biased towards Slytherin!!!1 And fandom will agree about how biased he is and will go on about it in countless essays, which will get replies like "Finally! Somebody said it!" even though people have been saying nothing but this for months on end and...sorry, but fandom is a bit like that sometimes.

More emphasis on what’s valued in this culture

Well, of course punching people in is far more worthwhile than reason or staying out of what doesn't concern you. Look at the opinion on jinxes.


Re: Part two. merrymelody April 8 2005, 12:09:04 UTC
I personally am wondering what Diagon Alley wants with more than one joke shop.

It's been pointed out to me that Zonko's is in Hogsmeade, which is why there's one in DA. But yeah, I'm still missing the point of them altogether - they don't sound like ones IRL, with costumes and toys, they sound like torture chambers - 'To my right, are the sweets that make you vomit, to the left, the ones that cause you to choke! Have a nice day!'

I guess there's a lot of call for peurile bullying in the magical world. It's capitalism or something.

Heh. It's like that comment on the giant chapter - bullying people could be what unites the WW!

Even if one found the story of Fred and George's departure endlessly fascinating (which I don't, but that's just me and you there), how can it fill "several hours"?

God knows. 'OMG IT WUZ SO KEWL!11' repeated on an endless loop, complete with interjections about 'This'll show Umbridge, bwhahaha!'? Glad we missed it.

It is odd, I think, that Harry has not even dreamed of asking what his parents did for a living. He's never asked if they have graves, or if he has any relatives on his father's side. These are things I'd want to know at once, but Harry's concern about his parents only extends as far as feeling sorry for himself.

I know! And with his mum, there's even less interest than with James.
And yeah, there's this whole 'Harry doesn't ask questions, especially of the Dursleys' but why not just ask Remus or Sirius? (Ugh, JKR's saving Daddy!Remus for HBP, isn't she?)

People who laugh at you to your face are, of course, deplorable, but pretending to like you while secretly holding you in very low esteem because you're "weird" is perfectly reasonable and something anyone would do.

Well, people who get to befriend the Trio should count themselves lucky (especially the stupid sextet at the end, which according to FAP is the wildly original name for the Trio, plus Neville, Luna and Ginny) Even if they laugh at you, pity you, or forget the most traumatic thing that ever happened to you; you should just be grateful they know your name at all.

Good news for the next book, though - Lee Jordan will have had to leave due to being too damn old to still be at school.

Good. Perhaps he will also die horribly, out in the real world? *crosses fingers*

I imagine Draco getting the commentary job and everyone hating it because he's OMG so biased towards Slytherin!!!1

And fandom will agree about how biased he is and will go on about it in countless essays, which will get replies like "Finally! Somebody said it!" even though people have been saying nothing but this for months on end and...sorry, but fandom is a bit like that sometimes.

Heheheheh. 'I know I'm venturing an unpopular opinion here (and standing up to the legion of ever powerful fangirls) since it's only been expressed in the books by every major 'good' character as well as by 90% of the internet fandom, but...'

Well, of course punching people in is far more worthwhile than reason or staying out of what doesn't concern you.

Yes, before we know it, Hagrid would be respecting other's cultures and everything! Or negotiating and non-retaliating! *shudders*


Re: Part two. jollityfarm April 10 2005, 19:23:46 UTC
bullying people could be what unites the WW! know that, at the end, we do indeed see members of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff all band together to attack three Slytherins. I can't help imagining that this is what Rowling means by "inter-house unity". I forsee a future in which Slytherin house is abolished, since the children that end up there are obviously evil from birth and cannot be allowed in the school. Without Slytherin house, the rest of the school can co-exist peacefully without any problems!

And with his mum, there's even less interest than with James.

He didn't look for his mother in the exam room, that's for sure. Wouldn't he? Or maybe she wasn't there. I mean, one would think she'd be at once recognisable, what with her emerald eyes (hey, let's shoehorn in another mention of Harry having his mother's eyes yet a-fucking-gain) and pretty hair. We all know how Harry likes pretty hair, after all.

Well, people who get to befriend the Trio should count themselves lucky

It does seem to be the attitude, doesn't it? Even amongst the real people of fandom, it's as if there's some kind of consensus that the trio are the very best friends anyone could wish for and to be part of that gang is something to cherish. Are there no people at Hogwarts besides characters we're supposed to hate that think Harry et al are fucked up?


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