Chapter Thirty

Apr 04, 2005 12:02

Grawp -

This’ll be fun! Who doesn’t like Grawp?

(Am still behind a good five chapters. I’ll post them sooner or later, unless Mirabella/y’all would rather we keep moving in a more linear fashion?)

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merrymelody April 4 2005, 19:13:57 UTC
I don't mind whether heroines are physically strong or not (I find it somewhat unrealistic if they're stronger than men, unless there's a reason given, like in Buffy the Vampire Slayer or something; although I'd find it acceptable enough.)
I think the problem with having super-strong Ginny/Hermione is that there's no build-up at all. It's not like there's ever been a mention of them enjoying sports (until now!); Hermione's fairly studious and seems an 'indoor' type; Ginny was the literal damsel in distress in CoS...
It's like if suddenly Percy was beating Fred and George at Quidditch or in duels - you'd be all 'Where is this coming from?'

I could understand Hermione's wimpering and being all terrified. Just like I could understand Neville's squeaking and Draco's running away while screaming. I think it's Harry who's appearing unrealistically brave in the scene, he makes everyone else look so stupid ;)

Yes, I wouldn't mind Harry being the scared one for once, it seems to always fall to everyone around him. Of course, then he'd be (more of) a hypocrite, what with his contempt for fear...
I presume that if Harry had more than a moment of weakness, bravery wise, JKR would consider him totally unsympathetic, although I think I'd find it more endearing.


violaswamp April 7 2005, 00:04:38 UTC
Yeah, I really would like Harry to run away from a scary situation in abject terror at least once. I'd like him more.


mariagoner April 7 2005, 01:17:58 UTC
Hell, I'd even settle for Harry being scared to immobility in a situation and actually acknowledging it later on, instead of pretending he was so much more noble than his peers in that situation. Feh.


merrymelody April 7 2005, 07:38:54 UTC
Yes, that's one of my harping subjects! ;)
His weird, flatteringly inaccurate memory, in which he fights alone, abandoned! (his friends weren't there! Those cowardly bastards! Couldn't possibly be because they'd already risked life and limb for him and been incapacitated, could it?) And yet in every situation reacts in the bravest way (WTF is with his memory of going into the Forest in PS? He can't honestly believe that standing stock still is somehow more macho than running, can he? I mean, jeez, I'm sure that in that situation, I'd just pass out, but I wouldn't then expect the Purple Heart or anything!)


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