Chapter Thirty

Apr 04, 2005 12:02

Grawp -

This’ll be fun! Who doesn’t like Grawp?

(Am still behind a good five chapters. I’ll post them sooner or later, unless Mirabella/y’all would rather we keep moving in a more linear fashion?)

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_rp_zeal_ April 4 2005, 18:45:05 UTC
I’m actually now curious about any little canon details predicted in fic.

I recall having seen some but can't bloody remember what they were at the moment *headdesk*

But general direction-wise, the Draco Trilogy, Artful Facade and other pre-OOTP fics featuring a temperamental and somewhat dark!Harry were on the right track, considering how many fans criticized them for being OOC because Harry is so nice/kind/compassionate etc. But what's even more amazing was DT's unfortunately accurate "prediction"(?) of a sassy and ass-kicking Ginny, and AF's manipulative Dumbledore (who died a hilarious death, by the way ;P).

everytime someone appears close to making a breakthrough, it's like the author steps in and stops them, in order to 'help' them.It's like Rowling is 'rebelling' against the boring, sissy conventional wisdom or something... I'm also starting to think the Gryffindor values are really no different from the Slytherin ones, there are only slight variations in the technicality. Like the definition of 'deserving' victims and ( ... )


_rp_zeal_ April 4 2005, 18:58:59 UTC
I much prefer completely physically weak female characters who are strong in other ways.

Er. That would've applied to Hermione right? Strangely I was thinking about good-but-never-as-good-as-the-male type of heroines like Ginny when typing that line.

I could understand Hermione's wimpering and being all terrified. Just like I could understand Neville's squeaking and Draco's running away while screaming. I think it's Harry who's appearing unrealistically brave in the scene, he makes everyone else look so stupid ;)


merrymelody April 4 2005, 19:13:57 UTC
I don't mind whether heroines are physically strong or not (I find it somewhat unrealistic if they're stronger than men, unless there's a reason given, like in Buffy the Vampire Slayer or something; although I'd find it acceptable enough.)
I think the problem with having super-strong Ginny/Hermione is that there's no build-up at all. It's not like there's ever been a mention of them enjoying sports (until now!); Hermione's fairly studious and seems an 'indoor' type; Ginny was the literal damsel in distress in CoS...
It's like if suddenly Percy was beating Fred and George at Quidditch or in duels - you'd be all 'Where is this coming from?'

I could understand Hermione's wimpering and being all terrified. Just like I could understand Neville's squeaking and Draco's running away while screaming. I think it's Harry who's appearing unrealistically brave in the scene, he makes everyone else look so stupid ;)Yes, I wouldn't mind Harry being the scared one for once, it seems to always fall to everyone around him. Of course, then he'd be ( ( ... )


violaswamp April 7 2005, 00:04:38 UTC
Yeah, I really would like Harry to run away from a scary situation in abject terror at least once. I'd like him more.


mariagoner April 7 2005, 01:17:58 UTC
Hell, I'd even settle for Harry being scared to immobility in a situation and actually acknowledging it later on, instead of pretending he was so much more noble than his peers in that situation. Feh.


merrymelody April 7 2005, 07:38:54 UTC
Yes, that's one of my harping subjects! ;)
His weird, flatteringly inaccurate memory, in which he fights alone, abandoned! (his friends weren't there! Those cowardly bastards! Couldn't possibly be because they'd already risked life and limb for him and been incapacitated, could it?) And yet in every situation reacts in the bravest way (WTF is with his memory of going into the Forest in PS? He can't honestly believe that standing stock still is somehow more macho than running, can he? I mean, jeez, I'm sure that in that situation, I'd just pass out, but I wouldn't then expect the Purple Heart or anything!)


merrymelody April 4 2005, 19:26:16 UTC
I remember reading one of CC's fics (never got round to the DT) - I think it was called 'A Season in Hell'? - and being surprised at how similiar a lot of the post OotP H/D fics are to it.
It's amazing what people predict, isn't it?
I don't read MWPP era stuff, but someone told me that a lot of that pre-OotP was based around a love/hate Lily/James dynamic (as well as the obvious 'Remus likes to read!' 'Peter is a suck up!')

No wonder Salazar and Godric were such good friends, it was just so unfortunate that Salazar had to infringe Godric's only taboo(?)which was blood purity.

Somebody (jollity?) was predicting that the HBP will be GG, hence all the fuss over blood purity, for him: a personal interest! Which I kind of like the idea of, if I didn't think that JKR wouldn't lead it round to 'Poor oppressed GG! Marvel as he bravely triumphs over evil, and as Harry finds out he's related to him!'

It totally reminds me of Draco's comment about Hagrid's monstrous COMC textbook.

Hey, you're right. Nice catch!

I have a foreboding feeling ( ... )


jollityfarm April 5 2005, 12:11:31 UTC
I was hoping the HBP would be Salazar Slytherin, which would not only be something people wouldn't expect, but would also be a neat Tom Riddle connection. However, I not only suspect it'll be Gryffindor, I suspect that, as you say, Rowling will have the issue be Godric's brave struggle over oppression ("oppression" here being defined as "Salazar says some nasty things once or twice, and questions Godric's divine right to be the leader of the Founders").


merrymelody April 5 2005, 12:23:12 UTC
Well, yeah, that'd be interesting.
I mean, I know some people have ventured this, and it's also my opinion, that the hat seems to pick people by what they want to be.
So it'd be cool if all the founders were selecting the students who held what they valued most, rather than those who were most similiar to themselves. In which case SS being half-blood would make perfect sense.


xerox78 April 5 2005, 23:19:21 UTC
I was hoping the HBP would be Salazar Slytherin, which would not only be something people wouldn't expect, but would also be a neat Tom Riddle connection.
So it'd be cool if all the founders were selecting the students who held what they valued most, rather than those who were most similiar to themselves. In which case SS being half-blood would make perfect sense.

Salazar is my number one prediction for HBP for the reasons you both stated. I suggested it on another site right after we learned the title but it was immediately and roundly pooh-poohed. Then again, I didn't believe that the Order of the Phoenix was a secret anti-Voldemort group before OotP came out, so what do I know?


merrymelody April 6 2005, 10:03:18 UTC
It could also result in a Godric Gryffindor who wasn't a macho prick brave hero, which would be interesting. Even endearing.
How would the students cope with their founders being knocked off their pedestals?


violaswamp April 6 2005, 23:43:04 UTC


merrymelody April 7 2005, 08:22:15 UTC
Hee. I find it interesting that fandom was all abuzz with 'Aw, Harry is just like Hero!James' until OotP, when they suddenly started in on 'Harry is just like Saint!Lily and not at all like James, never ever, disregard any canonical comparisons drawn between the two of them!11'
So presumably if Lily ever gets knocked off her pedestal, we can go to 'Harry is just like Godric Gryffindor, his uncle 15 times removed!'
And if GG, too, is revealed as being just human? OH NOES!111 We might have to accept not-perfect characters, including *gasp* Harry!


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