Chapter Twenty-Seven

Mar 17, 2005 16:59

The Centaur and the Sneak

Ugh. I hate this chapter, and stupid Word not saving my first attempt makes me hate it more. *unfairly blames for computer problem*

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Comments 52

t0ra_chan March 17 2005, 22:16:20 UTC
I don’t think that’s a particularly insulting question. I don’t see why being bred makes you a servant to the breeder: look at Aragog or the Thestrals. None of them appear any more subservient to Hagrid than Firenze himself is.

I think it's insulting because I think Dean is thinking more along the lines of the Blast-Ended Skewts. As if the centaurs are some kind of strange creation by Hagrid.

Where was that attitude in PoA? Or GoF? And why do we still end up with Hagrid at the end of OotP, in that case?

Because JKR hates us.

* Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk, his expression serene, the tips of his long fingers together.

He just needs to say 'Excellent' and the mental image is complete. See, they got it all wrong in the Simpsons parody. Not Montymort, but Dumbleburns and his second-in-command, McSmithers.

I like this line. I don’t really know why, it doesn’t actually make that much sense to me.Fudge is like 'Ha, you're not the only one who can pull witnesses to get what he wants, Dumbledore.' Except that Fudge's witness is ( ... )


merrymelody March 17 2005, 22:25:35 UTC
As if the centaurs are some kind of strange creation by Hagrid.

Hee. Dr. Hagrid's Laboratory!

Because JKR hates us.

But Hagrid makes me hate her! What kind of twisted deviant mind could envision such horror?! *runs crying into the night*

Fudge is like 'Ha, you're not the only one who can pull witnesses to get what he wants, Dumbledore.' Except that Fudge's witness is actually real, unlike Mrs Figg.

I knew there was something. *feels stupid, and slaps own wrist* Cheers!
Yeah, they should have memory charmed Figgy half way through (as well as cursed her, of course.)
Then we could have had an entertaining fandom war about how 'Umbridge was only doing what had to be done!' and 'Mrs. Figg deserved it for betraying the MoM!' and 'the ends justified the means!'


Hahahahaha! That should be her name for all eternity. An official snarkery alias.

Like Dumbledore says in PS, secrets travel fast at Hogwarts. Except, apparently, when it interferes with the plot.Everyone knows in the next chapter 'the truth' about what happened ( ... )


t0ra_chan March 17 2005, 22:48:59 UTC
Hee. Dr. Hagrid's Laboratory!

It's alive! *evil cackle*

What kind of twisted deviant mind could envision such horror?!

The same person that thinks that Hermione and Dumbledore are good people.

Everyone knows in the next chapter 'the truth' about what happened in the office.

But somehow the DA stayed a secret. I mean, Hermione and Ron rounded up people, wouldn't those he never came to the Hog's Head talk at least? Or what about the actual DA members? Are they telling me those don't have any friend that are non-members, whom they might tell about the DA?


merrymelody March 18 2005, 00:05:17 UTC
Are they telling me those don't have any friend that are non-members, whom they might tell about the DA?

Why would they befriend non-members?
Heh, it's a little like a cult. There's no point in trying to 'save' the non-believers.


xerox78 March 18 2005, 02:16:56 UTC
Also, notice no-one, not even Harry, is irritated with Hermione for leaving a list of all their names lying around, even though it's a monumentally stupid thing to do (imagine if it had been Ron!) And yet they’re all 'Death to Marietta!' who is both sufficiently punished and not even the one who caused Dumbledore to leave - that was the list.

Some people insist that it's Cho Chang's fault that the D.A. got ratted out because she's the one who dragged Marietta to the meetings. In that case, it's Hermione's fault for Dumbledore having to leave the school because she left the list lying around (after she said she wouldn't). Better yet, it's Ginny Weasley's fault for coming up with the name! So Ha Ha Ha!


merrymelody March 18 2005, 10:22:31 UTC
Yes, I love how Harry is so outraged that Cho 'didn't pick her friends better'. Pot, meet Kettle.


jollityfarm March 18 2005, 18:01:26 UTC
So it's okay to call people names that insult them, as long as you do it quietly! See, this is where Draco's been going wrong all these years...

It is curious, though, isn't it? Gryffindors are supposed to be out, proud brave folks who will always say how they feel (but let's not get "plain-talking" confused with "plain rude" here) while Slytherins are sneaky little sods who you can't trust with even your least favourite pencil. But here's Hermione sneaking around behind people's backs, saying one thing to one person and something totally different to another while Draco is the one always putting his foot in his mouth and telling people exactly what he thinks of them! It doesn't add up, unless the answer is "and we the readers learn some harsh lessons about making assumptions".

I find this line a little OOC. Call me a nitpicker, but it just doesn’t ring true.Maybe he was hoping she'd done something humourously tragic. Suicide would probably have been entertaining. Actually, I'm probably being unfair there, but I doubt Harry would ( ... )


merrymelody March 18 2005, 19:45:59 UTC
PERSON: I was ordering a sandwich.


The best we could have been likely to recieve would have been something along the lines of how she was a such a fool to have killed herself over a little thing like losing her job and livelihood when there were far more important things to despair over.

...It was small consolation that Hagrid's job appeared safe for the time being, while the school recovered.
...Or perhaps: 'All the more trouble for Umbridge, isn't it?' said Harry with satisfaction.


jollityfarm March 18 2005, 18:30:37 UTC
OMG!11 There’s going to be a war again? And it involves Harry?! Thank goodness you got here, Firenze, because that information is totally groundbreaking and shocking!

Hahahahahaha. Also, I am impressed and amazed by how Firenze knows this. Why, no puny human would ever have thought to connect the planet Mars with battle! It had been wholly unheard of before then! No, we humans only connected "Mars" with kettles and nasty burns.

*unintelligble noise* What is this madness?

But then, Harry’s two moods seem to be smug and whiny, so I guess the pendulum has to swing from time to time.

But, but, but, don't you understand? Don't you realise what Harry's going through? Don't you remember what it's like being a teenager? It was just like this!

I was a vile teenager and was sent to countless counsellors for my problems, but I'm sure I wasn't as mad as Harry :(

Does he truly thrill in sharing his knowledge (if so, why doesn’t he just train to be a teacher, instead of a Punisher-style Auror?)Well, I'm sure that he loves the teaching and is ( ... )


merrymelody March 18 2005, 19:48:17 UTC
I am impressed and amazed by how Firenze knows this. Why, no puny human would ever have thought to connect the planet Mars with battle! It had been wholly unheard of before then! No, we humans only connected "Mars" with kettles and nasty burns.

Heh! He's sure worth every penny of that salary! Mars = battle. Insightful. What next? That the alignment of constellations *get this* sometimes looks like shapes. There's one called 'The Big Dipper' and everything! Tell us more, Firenze!

I was a vile teenager and was sent to countless counsellors for my problems, but I'm sure I wasn't as mad as Harry :(

Yeah, so was I. Glad to say I never cheered at anyone getting brain damaged, and I never beat anyone up, though! *feels morally superior* ;)

what with him being ex-teacher Rowling's Gary-Stu, after all

God. Imagine having Rowling tutor you.

For all that this book is written by a woman, there's such unbridled testosterone

Perhaps she's a self-hating woman. *resists urge to ineptly psychoanalyze JKR*

If they didn't succeed, it's because ( ... )


sistermagpie March 21 2005, 21:07:48 UTC
Yeah, so was I. Glad to say I never cheered at anyone getting brain damaged, and I never beat anyone up, though! *feels morally superior* ;)

And this is the alternative.


merrymelody March 21 2005, 23:52:09 UTC
Ugh. Jesus.

Montague exepted Umbridge's offer out of a desire to further her cause. This was open hostility towards Dumbledore and can in fact be viewed as mutiny. I believe he was fair game for the twins.

...No words. Except maybe that since the Twins were openly hostile towards Umbridge, maybe it was fair game for them to be kicked off the team? No wait, they were sweet little angels in that event, too.

I can't call that wrong in the same way that Draco throwing Cedric Diggory's death back at Harry at the end of GoF is wrong.

Heh. What I love about Cedric is that the twins were...well, kind of jerks to him when he was alive. (Unlike the Slytherins, apparently, who were supporting him.) So as long as you're respectful about someone once they've died, you're okay!

They would - they would if they deserved it.I'd venture that perhaps the Weasleys shouldn't be judge and jury for the whole world, but I think it'd fall on deaf ears. Especially since this is followed, without irony, by 'people can't just crown themselves king and ( ... )


violaswamp March 19 2005, 02:50:37 UTC
Hello! I've lurked here for a while and I'm definitely enjoying the snark.

Because girls who are even slightly interested in their appearance/the opposite sex are evil harpies (like Veela!) with no souls.
(Of course, girls who are naturally ugly, like Millicent Bulstrode, are also repulsive, since their faces reflect their personalities or something.)

Yes. It's important to be mildly attractive without really trying to be or spending much time on it. You must also have a penchant for understated glamour--frills and pink are signs of weakness.

I guess I don't see Marietta as 'betraying' the DA as such, since I can't see why she would owe them any loyalty.

How dare you! The Trio is FIGHTING A WAR and Marietta is aiding and abetting the terrorists communists Death Eaters! Bitch had it coming ( ... )


violaswamp March 19 2005, 02:52:39 UTC
Oh, also:

Seriously, though, this is the first sign we’ve had of someone not evil disagreeing with Dumbledore even over something minor, isn’t it?

No, it's not--Ron disagrees with Dumbledore over Snape. He and Hermione have had the same conversation over and over again:

RON: Hey, Dumbledore's a smart guy, but even he can be wrong, and we only have his word for it that Snape's on our side...

HERMIONE: OMG how dare you blaspheme the holiness that is Dumbledore HERETIC!!!!

One reason I have hope for Ron.


merrymelody March 25 2005, 16:50:17 UTC
Run, Ron! Get out while there's still time!


xerox78 March 19 2005, 06:06:23 UTC
I remember having an enormous argument on the Sugar Quill, informing people that a) Marietta is not teh evil, and b) Hermione's hex was totally out of line and not a sign that she's a brilliant and empowered woman. It was amusing how many people jumped on me.

I was in that discussion too. Some people actually believed that Marietta should have been killed, because "that's what you do with people who choose the wrong side in a war."

You know, I think deep down, a lot of people know that hex was not right, so they come up with justifications like "I'm sure it's not permanent" and "It's just a little acne and it will eventually go away".


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