Chapter Nineteen

Jan 16, 2005 12:02

The Lion and the Serpent

Useless Fact: This is the chapter I read first when I got my copy, purely on the basis of the title.

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Re: Part two, because your summary is so huge! mariagoner January 18 2005, 03:08:51 UTC
Not that this has anything to do with anything, but at my school, when a house won the House Shield, they either got half a day off school for all the students, or (because they changed that later on) everyone in the house got a free sausage and ice cream at the House barbecue. :D:D:D:D I think Hogwarts should actually have something like that - it would make more sense.

You had barbeques at your school? Lucky duck, where did you go to? In my junior high and high school (in New York City, natch), the most we ever got was luke-warm pizza and hot Kool Aid-- and that's only if we were in the school play or forked up $5 to go the senior prom.

But seriously, in Hogwarts, the only thing that a House gets for winning the House Cup is having their colors draped around the Main Hall for about half a day before they're all shipped back home. Now what the hell sort of motivation is that, anyway?

Sort of related, but I liked how Cho actually gave a shit about Ravenclaw winning, instead of just being happy Gryffindor won yet again (or like Cedric, making excuses for Gryffindor/Harry), like everyone else seems to be. But even that was demonised and Cho came across as a sore loser instead. I'd be pissed off too, so I liked what she did.

Didn't you know it's now apparently a sign of deep ev0l (or at least immature petulance) if anyone other than a Gryffindor shows ambition? Apparently, no one but our Sainted Trio and their house get to better themselves in any public way. Get your priorities straight, woman! ;)


Re: Part two, because your summary is so huge! guza January 18 2005, 04:05:27 UTC
I live in New Zealand, so yeah... :D

no one but our Sainted Trio and their house get to better themselves in any public way. Get your priorities straight, woman! ;)

*apologises profusely*

How could I have forgotten myself and suggested otherwise?


Re: Part two, because your summary is so huge! merrymelody January 18 2005, 10:21:27 UTC
McGonagall also really loooooves having that cup in her office, apparently.
You'd think the teachers would be over the House thing, but they're worse than anybody!

I love how Cho cried. Well, I guess that's what you get if you let the chicks play.
Ginny's good, but not Harry good, the three older girls on the Gryffindor team don't seem to affect the game at all and their only job so far has been to restrict the boys from manly fighting; the Slytherin team don't have any at all (because they're probably sexist on top of being racist, fat, ugly, stupid, mean, cowardly and untalented.)


Re: Part two, because your summary is so huge! t0ra_chan January 18 2005, 12:24:56 UTC
I love how Cho cried. Well, I guess that's what you get if you let the chicks play.
Meh, I cry too when I'm frustrated or angry, can't help it. At least it's not the whole Ravenclaw team throwing a big pity-party like Gryffindor did in PoA. Sadly that means no posters of Ginny's head on fire from the Ravenclaws (and it would so go with her hair too).

the Slytherin team don't have any at all (because they're probably sexist on top of being racist, fat, ugly, stupid, mean, cowardly and untalented.)

Well, as far as we know, Hufflepuffs don't have any girls on their team either. And Ravenclaws have only Cho. Oops, forget, everything Slytherins do is evil, even if other do the same. What was I thinking?


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