Chapter Nineteen

Jan 16, 2005 12:02

The Lion and the Serpent

Useless Fact: This is the chapter I read first when I got my copy, purely on the basis of the title.

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sistermagpie January 16 2005, 19:25:38 UTC

How could you possibly ban someone from a lifetime of playing sport?

The thing is, it's probably not that out of the ordinary to have a ban like that at least for your school career in our world. I'm thinking, for instance, of the movie The Great Santini when the kid beats up another player and is immediately kicked off the team, even though the kid was fouling him throughout the game.

In fact, the only reason for her not to, given how evilly she's been portrayed so far, is contrivance, so that JKR doesn't have to write Gryffindor losing.

Here I'll just preview the confession I'm going to be making later on, that the first time I read the book I thought Gryffindor did lose. That's how dumb I am.

Ew, gross! I hope he gets brain damage in a later chapter! He deserves it for being so heavyset.


Could you remind your audience how fat, ugly, stupid and mean the Slytherins are again, please, Jo? I think I missed the first ninety-six references.

I notice they also have "new beaters bats." Is that supposed to remind us that the Slytherins are spoiled and unfair and their parents buy them new equipment? The twins surely have OLD and USED beaters bats.

It's true, btw, that the thing with Crabbe is he could probably claim to have hit the bludger at Harry to prevent him from getting the Snitch--he could say from that distance he thought he was still going for it and so hit the thing at him because that's his job. After all, he's slow.

'No,' said Ginny miserably; she and Hermione were sitting on either side of Harry. 'He just got lines, I heard Montague laughing about it at dinner.'

Um, how the hell is Ginny suddenly able to overhear something Dorian Montague says at dinner? It seems like this is the first time ever we've heard of a Slytherin saying anything at dinner that anybody could hear. I suppose Ginny did some Super Spunky and Dangerous eavesdropping mission just because she likes to do that once in a while to keep herself in shape. She just finds out everything! She's so cool!


merrymelody January 17 2005, 12:14:31 UTC
I'm thinking, for instance, of the movie The Great Santini when the kid beats up another player and is immediately kicked off the team, even though the kid was fouling him throughout the game.

Heh. I would actually agree with someone being kicked off a team for that. I have strict views ;)

Here I'll just preview the confession I'm going to be making later on, that the first time I read the book I thought Gryffindor did lose. That's how dumb I am.

Maybe JKR thought she'd have to do that, which is what famously made her cry writing OotP.
I hoped they would - OMG, I can't believe they could survive with Harry!!1
Maybe next time. (You know that Year Seven is reserved for their Last Triumph. Although someone wrote a fic in which the big, end of year, House Cup went to Slytherin, thus breaking - ta da, a seven year losing streak. It'd be nice if all the houses were abandoned and in anarchy by then, but I could live with that. Not that it'll happen!)

I notice they also have "new beaters bats." Is that supposed to remind us that the Slytherins are spoiled and unfair and their parents buy them new equipment? The twins surely have OLD and USED beaters bats.

But the twins are plucky underdogs with real talent, which is worth any amount of money.
Perhaps C/G's godparents or Snape purchased them, which would make it okay.
No new brooms as well? Jo, you missed an opportunity, here! You're slipping! ;)

It's true, btw, that the thing with Crabbe is he could probably claim to have hit the bludger at Harry to prevent him from getting the Snitch--he could say from that distance he thought he was still going for it and so hit the thing at him because that's his job. After all, he's slow.

Heh. The benefits of stupidity. 'You guys thought I couldn't find my way on the field, why are you surprised when I have delayed reactions?' *looks innocent*

It seems like this is the first time ever we've heard of a Slytherin saying anything at dinner that anybody could hear.

They're so evil, they probably spoke up when they saw her. With optional 'Muhaha!' cackles.
Or so stupid, they didn't realise she was watching.


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