Chapter Seventeen

Jan 06, 2005 11:54

Educational Decree Number Twenty Four

In which Hermione and Harry continue in their quest for world domination; Sirius appears; and Rox trembles at the thought of a Draco-less chapter approaching.

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mariagoner January 6 2005, 21:40:02 UTC
I read some interview blather about God The Big D thinking that Snape's talents lie elsewhere; although as usual, fanon and fic make more sense - too much goodwill looks suspicious, and Snape should be in the background.

Heee! Isn't "Big D" supposed to be Dudley's nickname?!

Hiring the dramatic Moody and Lockhart makes sense from that perspective, I suppose, but still, it comes down to the ageold question surrounding almost everything Albus does: is he actively evil or just woefully stupid, arrogant and incompetent?

Personally, I just like to think of Albus as being mostly directed by contrivance and plot-based needs. In "real" life, a headmaster like Dumbledore wouldn't continue to put a teen like Harry into dangerous situations time and time again. However, if Big D didn't allow danger to come to Harry, the books would be less about "Harry Potter and Insert Object O' Danger" than "Harry Potter and the Normal, Average Schoolyear" X 5. Dumbledore's bizarre, recurring incompetance isn't so much his fault as a necessary plot contrivance on JKR's part.

But then again, maybe that's just me having a soft-spot for the ol' man...


merrymelody January 7 2005, 02:12:36 UTC
Oh no! I didn't mean to soil Dudley's name like that! *quickly edits*
(Seriously, I adore Dudley. I'd much rather see him as god figure for the entire Wizarding World...Imagine the hijinks that would ensue.)

I think the final bit for me (gosh, a lot of characters were at their most obnoxious in OotP, weren't they?) was his talk on how he'd let everyone else suffer and die, if it ensured Harry's piece of mind.
No shit, Sherlock! That's pretty fricking obvious.
And this is the guy we're supposed to cheer and say 'Oh, I'm so glad he's back in charge of all those other peoples lives!'


sieda January 7 2005, 10:10:24 UTC

The proof: Petunia is terrified of Dumbledore. Petunia and Vernon do everything possible to keep Dudley happy.

And what better way to make your cousin's life miserable than be in charge of his school. This is the reason Dudley gets bad grades. He's been skipping school to be at Hogwarts.

Now we know why Dumbledore does the things he does to Harry, he is actually Dudley in disguise!


What will you call it? The Lump to Leader theory? merrymelody January 7 2005, 10:51:03 UTC
*gets intrigued*
Then why does he favour Harry so much usually? And cry over him? Is it a cunning double bluff, or are his feelings developed to more than cousinly? ;)


Re: What will you call it? The Lump to Leader theory? sieda January 7 2005, 16:34:55 UTC
Conspiracy "D"

Is it a cunning double bluff

Much more than that. He knows about us readers. He doesn't want to let on that he is really one and the same.

or are his feelings developed to more than cousinly? ;)

Err...maybe this was the reason. It is just so confusing trying to keep theories straight.


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