Chapter Seventeen

Jan 06, 2005 11:54

Educational Decree Number Twenty Four

In which Hermione and Harry continue in their quest for world domination; Sirius appears; and Rox trembles at the thought of a Draco-less chapter approaching.

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merrymelody January 6 2005, 12:57:14 UTC
A lot of the boys can fly up on a broomstick.

Heh. Jollity just pointed out that, should the boys become violent (since they're less trustworthy ;) : "A single boy invading the girls' rooms would not be able to assault a whole gang of girls, whereas a single girl in the boys' rooms might well be assaulted by a whole gang of boys."
And of course, people could just have sex in the boys rooms. Or anywhere else in an entire damn castle...

I love it when Harry does something where I know exactly how differently it would be described if it were a Slytherin. How many times has the narrator pointed out how Malfoy looks around for a teacher before misbehaving, so that it can be quoted as a sign of his cowardice by fans?

Oh, totally. With Harry, it's just being smart. Maybe even humble and self-effacing.

Hagrid's saying it was his fault should only be taken as a sign of what a big heart he has, how quick to take on responsibility even when it isn't his fault.

Yeah, I got the impression that we're supposed to go: "Aw, poor Hagrid! Slytherins getting him expelled when he was young and the awful prejudice of purebloods now has rendered him insecure and with little confidence! And now they (it's all one in the same, really, isn't it?) have schemed and 'done their best to get (him) fired'. When will the harrassment end? Gosh, Malfoy could have harmed the 'harmless' and 'cute' hippogryff's claws with his arm! Animal abuse, animal abuse!"

You'd hardly know that he's tormenting him every day which, as the school bully, he must be doing.

Someone theorised that Neville is Malfoy's secret gossip dealer. I think because of some line in PoA like 'Is it true what Longbottom said?'
I find this idea infinitely amusing ;)

Neville is probably lucky that nobody we know of really cares enough about him to wonder about this incident.

Heh. That's just reminding me of Maya's vitrolic essay on how everyone who knows Neville hates him. And it's so true! ;)

It's not like learning that fact about Neville makes him any less reluctant to be seen with him. Somewhere, Fanon!Harry is crying over this.

Fanon!Harry is crying because Neville's pain is his pain and he couldn't possibly sleep at night knowing that a fellow human being was suffering.

Her dormmates could probably give her an eating disorder in a month if they set their minds to it.

Oh, Hermione's too smart for that. Silly Lavender and Parvati would, because they're so shallow and looks-obsessed, at which point Fanon!Hermione reaches out to counsel them through it.

The anger is no doubt covering up his pain at having to pretend to hate Harry for petty reasons, which in turn is covering up his disgust at having to pretend to like the Slytherins, which he does so nobody figures out he's secretly making Neville strong in order to cover his guilt at having to break one of Frank Longbottom's fingernails in order to cover up his defection to Dumbledore's side from the Death Eaters, which he joined due to his intense Ravenclaw academic interest in Potions, but which was really an escape to hide from his great love for Lily, which helped distract him from the pain of being bullied, which reminded him of the parental abuse he wanted to forget.
At bottom, of course, he's really just longing for a good cognac and a recording of Mahler's Fifth that doesn't elegize the Adagietto. Very complex, our Snape; deep as a well and layered like an onion.

I don't read Snape fic much, but I have seen Incredibly Sophisticated Snape, which kinda seems to contrast with canon Snape, who spits when he's angry.
Then again, the Malfoy's don't really strike me as very realistically wealthy people, neither do the Weasleys as realistically poor people, so I'm thinking maybe JKR is like, nouveau riche, and her home is filled with gold ornaments and velvet furnishings that she finds incredibly classy...

And yes! His formidable intellect! And even I've seen 'toughening up poor waifs Neville and Harry that he just can't help but respect and see himself in, while simulatanously disgusted by spoilt Slytherins.'
Fanon!Snape is gaining as much prevalence as Fanon!Harry, I think. Maybe that's why so many people ship them.


jollityfarm January 6 2005, 14:55:21 UTC
I should say (though I'm sure you got the message the first time :0 ) that, while I am a Snapefan, I too am troubled by the fanon variety. I am particularly not fond of the one that is a sophisticated dandy that drinks absinthe like an absinthe-dwelling fish and wears silk underwear (in Slytherin green, of course, because there's no way any other colour option would be open to a Slytherin) whilst reciting bon mots to delight any audience. I like my Severus pikey, awkward, irrational and completely clueless about clothes (I think most people are clueless about clothes, actually) as well as being more or less teetotal (and not knowing the difference between a good drink and a bad one, except to say that he wouldn't drink any of "that sugary muck" and probably not absinthe, on account of it being green)


merrymelody January 6 2005, 15:06:12 UTC
Oh, I know you like Snape! ;)
And I like your image of him, which feels more like canon than Scary Dandy Guy.
I guess I'm undecided - I really warmed to him in canon at times, I really, really hate most fandom opinions of him, and most ships including him because of this (especially Snarry, which appears to be populated predominantly by idiots.)
Although I guess all of that - too much fanon and too many plebes, applies to the vast majority of Draco fans also...
He's like a lot of characters, I suppose - I'd like him much more if I didn't feel like fandom was shoving him down my throat.
I guess that's why I dislike Fanon! and Canon!Harry, since the books may as well come with a hammer saying 'Love him, love him!' but I like Canon!Snape and hate Fanon.
If that made any sense at all...?

Heh, of course the silk underwear! And then he does it with Harry, who is wearing red and gold boxers with a lion motif!
(Do people really think that's classy?)


jollityfarm January 7 2005, 06:41:05 UTC
Silk underwear is only really classy if you also think leather trousers and orange fake tan are classy too. Seriously, I don't fancy the idea of a Peter Stringfellow-type as Potions master. I don't know what's wrong with people sometimes.

(Draco also wears green underwear, you know, and when he cops off with Hermione, he notices that her pants are "Gryffindor red". Happens all the time, no really :( )

I do agree that many of the Snapefans can be super-annoying. From the ones who appear to think that Professor Snape is their boyfriend to the ones who have a bit of trouble coming to terms with the fact that if I call him "Severus" that's not disrespectful - because I'm real, he's not, and I am writing fanfiction about his personal life after all - even though Remus calling him by his first name might well have been. My only consolation is that Sirius fans are just as crazy (in fact, they are exactly as mental, suggesting that my point about Sirius and Severus being mirror images of each other is completely real and not me being silly) so it's not just me :)


merrymelody January 7 2005, 07:00:18 UTC
Oh yes. Draco's green silk pants, with the ever so cool snake monogram.
Can you imagine a school making the kids wear house underwear?
(Mind you, the thing that cracks me up about the movie prop design is the Slytherin leather couch. Why? And how? And why, again?
I actually imagine that Hogwarts probably is pretty tacky, and if they'd thought of it, they'd certainly make the kids wear colour coordinating pants.
And I totally picture the Gryffindor common room as a nightmare of like, animal heads and gold/red furnishings.)

Oh, I think all fans are mental, really. In all fandoms. I guess I just keep encountering the Snape ones recently.
There was one on no_remorse's recent thread about Snape who was actually kind of creepy.
Maybe it's the Snape/Harry shippers in particular.
*points fingers wild at possible scapegoats ;)*
And yes, Sirius fans are also somewhat batshit. I almost never encounter them though, thank god. I guess we run in wildly different circles!
I think the thing is because I'm more into the current generation both negatives (I dislike the Trio more than Sirius or Remus, neither of whom I like much at the best of times) and positives (the ones I do like I probably prefer even over the more interesting adults.) there's some kind of sense of...rivalry?
Like, some MWPP era fans give off a sense of being much more intellectual and mature than the silly teenage fanon-loving common herd, like it's only the kids' fans/detractors that write bad fic or cause wank.
And of course, there's the lame movie snobbery of 'All H/D or Draco fans or...Insert Young Cross-House Generation Ship here are liek totally crazy in luv with Tom Felton/Daniel Radcliffe, whereas no adult fans of course have 9399573 icons of frigging Gary Oldman or Alan Rickman (or Jason Isaacs or David Thewlis...) and of course, don't know anything about the books whatsoever, and if they do, it's because they travelled through time to watch the movies first or something!'
And yeah, there's the Sirius/Snape/and yes, definitely Draco/Harry/Lucius/Remus is my boyfriend, all he needs is the cure of a good woman, he's never done anything wrong ever!11 (You notice no-one ever defends women so rabidly? I'd call sexism, except in the JKR books, females are so under/poorly represented that I can't blame fangirls for not caring or loathing say, Pansy or Lavender or whoever when the author appears to have a similiar viewpoint.)

Why would people care whether you used the first name of a fictional character? It's not like he'll give you detention! Jesus.


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