artdump thing *gloom*

Jul 08, 2006 23:50 i'm going away for three weeks. so even though i just joined i'm going on mini hiatus...*winces* sorry. forgive me 0_0

Artist: the_smirker
Title:Terry Boot
Characters:Terry Boot
Rating: G (uh..PG for cross dressing? idk.)
Media used:prisma colored pencil
Challenge: nope
Warnings: Cross Dressing...
Notes/comments: as i have probably said before my mind is permanently tainted by this fic: so this is my terry boot. and i know he looks like a girl. that is the point. i drew this about a year ago i'm not too happy with it, it's not quite right. but since then i've drawn him a lot and he looks more like i think he supposed to in my more recent drawings.

Artist: the_smirker
Title:What You'll Sorely Miss
Characters: mermaid
Rating:PG for bare boobs
Media used:pencil
Challenge: none
Warnings: um....freakishly thin and long appendages and boobs?
Notes/comments: a magical creature for you. i'm very proud of this one actually. i was thinking of inking for the challenge but then i didn't. i think she looks really good.

Artist: the_smirker
Characters: Hippocampus
Media used:pencil
Challenge: none
Warnings: none
Notes/comments: weeeeell, i like it alot. the sccales...i'm very proud of the scales. and my mad horse drawing skills XD! anyway. i drew this the same time that i drew the mermaid, my contribution to the thousands of other magical creature drawings!


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