(no subject)

Nov 17, 2005 15:41

|| You ||

:x: name = Emma Jane Calder
:x: piercings = 6 (4 in lobes, 2 cartilage)
:x: height = 5`7 or so
:x: hair color = blonde
:x: siblings = big bro
:x: Nickname(s) = Calder, Elmo, Fabio, Emmz, little emm, Dory...
:x: How old do you look = dunno 17?
:x: How old do you act = 50% 12 50% 19
:x: Do you have any pets = two rabbits called Miffy and Foo foo they`re adorable! a budgie, and two Ginea pigs but they`re my bros tho
:x: What makes you happy = My friends, having somone special who adores u and you adore them. Laughing, animals....loads of things!
:x: What upsets you = lots of things; Rejection, ignorance, cruelty to animals, rudeness..............


:x: movie you rented = dunno was ages ago
:x: movie you bought = Angel Eyes
:x: song you listened to = Natilie imbrulia not sure of the name of the song.
x: song that was stuck in your head = new black eyed peas song - humps
:x: cd you bought = not sure think it was the john ledgend album
:x: cd you listened to = currently listening to Natilie Imbrulia (left of the middle)
:x: person youve called = Sam
:x: person thats called you = My mum
:x: tv show you`ve watched = dunno
:x: person you were thinking of = Michael
:x: Person You Hugged = Veronica
:x: Person You Kissed = my mum


:x: you have a crush on some = I always have crushes lol
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = home not Dumfries
:x: you think about suicide = not seriously no
:x: you believe in online dating = nah
:x: others find you attractive = they say they do but i find it hard to belive
:x: you want more piercings = 1 or 2 but i dont seem to heal well so not gonna bother
:x: you like cleaning = when i feel like it and not forced to
:x: you like roller coasters =hell yeah!!!! i love them!


:x: long distance relationships= undecided
:x: using someone = against
:x: suicide = agains
:x: killing people = against!!!
:x: teenage smoking = Dont see the point
:x: driving drunk = so dumb
:x: gay/lesbian relationships = up to them
:x: soap operas = for


:x: ever cried over a girl/guy = yeah i`m so soppy!
:x: ever lied to someone = hasnt everyone?
:x: ever been in a fist fight = not a proper one
:x: ever passed out on a street from drinking too much = no but on a couch, a bunk bed and once in lava lol!

:x: shampoo do you use = what i feel like using
:x: shoes do you wear = converse, Dc`s, Vans, fancy shoes for goin out :)
:x: are you scared of = lots of things, being alone all my life, death, not being successful....


:x: of times I have been in love = once for definate nearly twice if the relationship had gone on further :(
:x: of times I have had my heart broken = Once (still mending)
:x: of hearts I have broken = dunno none i think, i hope
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends = hhm....bout 5
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper = loads
:x: of scars on my body = no clue
:x: of things in my past that I regret = loads!


:x: pretty = not realy
:x: funny = In a blonde way yeah
:x: hot = no
:x: friendly = yeah =)
:x: amusing = somtimes
:x: ugly = yeah
:x: loveable = hope so
:x: caring = YEAH!
:x: sweet = yeah :)


:x: 7 letter word = friends
:x: Candy = boosts
:x: Cartoon = family guy
:x: Cereal = start
:x: Color(s) = turquoise, green, blue..
:x: Color nail polish = clear and sparkly
:x: Day of week = saturday
:x: Least fave day = Monday
:x: Jelly flavor = raspery
:x: Jewellery = my rose quartz necklesses ect
:x: Special skills/talents = swimming
:x: Summer/Winter =SUMMER!
:x: Trampolines or swimming pools = swimming pools, i do like trampolines but i have dodgy knees =s

Person who last...

:x: Slept in your bed = ME
:x: Saw you cry = Veronica
:x: Made you cry = Pat
:x: You went to the movies with = dunno that long ago
:x: Yelled at you = Kim
:x: Sent you an email = Elaine

Have you ever...

:x: Said "I love you" and meant it = yes soooo much!!! no point saying it if you dont mean it!
:x: Gone out in public in your pajamas = yeah
:x: Kept a secret from everyone= yeah
:x: Cried during a movie = yes
:x: Been on stage = Yes
:x: Wished you were the opposite sex = just for a day to see what it`s like
:x: What time is it now = 16:13
:x: Blue or red = blue
:x: What are you gonna do after you finish this = dunno have tea
:x: What was the last meal you ate = lunch stir fry n chips
:x: Are you bored = yeah that`s y im doing this
:x: Last noise you heard = NERD
:x: Last smell you sniffed = my washing powder

|| Friendship/Love ||

:x: Do you believe in love at first sight = no only Lust at first sight
:x: Do you want children one day & if so, how many = yeah, dunno
:x: Most important thing to you in a friendship is = trust, understanding, happiness...

|| Other Info ||

:x: Criminal record = nope
:x: Do you speak any other languages = tiny bit of french
:x: Last book you read = dunno
:x: Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom = my bed, cd player, my teddy my grandpa gave me, photos of my friends and family
:x: Worst feeling in the world = rejection, lonliness
:x: Who you Love = My family, Animals, Friends and a special guy i`ll never forget but i have to.

|| Finish the sentence:

I Love ...animals
I Miss ... Home
I Wish ... I had someone to love
I Hope ... I pass my HNC
I Want ... to be happy
I`d rather die...than have to kill someone else
I am ... Bored
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