Брайан Сетцер о Джо Страммере

Jul 02, 2005 16:42

Подготавливая сериал про Stray Cats, нашел пару интересных интервью, в которых Брайан Сетцер говорит о сотрудничестве с Джо Страммером. Интервью относятся к 96-му году и касаются альбома Brian Setzer Orchestra "Guitar Slinger". Я думаю, это небезынтересно, хотя фрагменты совсем короткие :)

Интервью #1

Q: There's a couple of songs written by Joe Strummer from The Clash on this record, how was did that come about?

A: I dug up Joe in the back of a Cadillac graveyard! I have all these cars and he called me up lookin' to get his '55 fixed. We got it running, he was grateful and he gave me some lyrics. I thought, 'Wow, these are good!' And I wrote "Guitar Slinger" to 'em. I thought I need some more. So he came out to my house in the desert, we started riding the Cadillacs in the desert. One night we were having a party and he was writing lyrics by candlelight. I said, 'What are you Abe Lincoln!' He didn't get it but he handed me these lyrics and it was "Ghost Radio." I sat down and started writing the song. That's when I knew we had something. There was a spark, it doesn't happen with everyone but I felt it with Joe. We ended up writing about 6 songs together.

Интервью #2

Had you co-written songs with Joe Strummer before this album?

Well, it was actually our common interest in classic cars that brought us together. He came into town and called me up saying, "I need to get my brakes fixed on that old Caddy I've got. Do you know anyone?" I sent my guy Joe Canto, the patron saint of General Motors, to fix the brakes. As an appreciation he handed me some lyrics. I thought: "Jeez, these are fantastic." We started hanging out in the desert and writing songs. Mostly he was doing the lyrics and me the music.

Would you like to see the Clash get back together?

Joe will kill me for saying this, but I would. I don't think they toured enough. I think they've got a lot more to say. With the Stray Cats getting back together it wouldn't be the same thing, it would be for fun. I think the Clash had so many records out and they didn't play that much. But I don't think Joe is considering it at the moment.

brian setzer, joe strummer, общемузыкальное

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