adventures in temping: up to my elbows in couture

Oct 25, 2007 00:58


At one point last week my cubicle was filled with so many gowns that it looked like a forest.

At one point this week I contemplated throwing all of the pieces of clothing into one fluffy, furry, silky, lacy pile and rolling around in it. Its fall everybody! And then making a kick-ass quilt or lots of foine eyepatches. YARRR! I'm the pattern pirate! Wouldn't you fear someone so much more if they were wearing a velvet tiger-patterned eyepatch? I would.

At one point yesterday the gowns started talking to each other. The really really ugly ones were shunned by the pretty ones. High school, all over again. And then the ugly ones got "hot" after a couple years and totally showed up the pretty ones. Word.

At one point today I nearly stole all the tampons from the ladies' room cuboard to make a sculpture in the lobby. Or Christmas ornaments, or cool party favors that look like real tampons but when you pull on the string its like a firecracker or something. Or perhaps a pyre. I could call it an art installation. And then we could toast marshmellows on it because too many people here are on diets. SUCESS!
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