Write Every Day: Intro Post

Oct 31, 2020 13:28

(This entry is largely cribbed from other people's intro posts because why borrow when you can steal.)

What Is Write Every Day?
Exactly what it sounds like. Every month a different person plays host to a community who encourage each other to write on a daily basis. I think I first came across it when
bladespark was hosting it almost a year ago. Some months it I write every day, some months I only manage a few entries, but it definitely encourages me to do more writing than I would have done otherwise.

zwei_hexen keep a list of past and future hosts here and there is definitely space for future hosts to sign on.

My job as a host is to post an entry every day, keep a tally of who is participating, and in general be encouraging and supportive. Some hosts post links, resources, and prompts. I'll try and do something to generate conversation whenever I can and if there is a topic you want people to talk about, by all means include it in your comment or shoot me a PM.

I will tag every post Write Every Day so those posts are easy to skip for people who are not participating.

Who can participate?
All are welcome to comment on any check-in post to say that you wrote that day. Or didn't, maybe you wanted to write and life got in the way and you want to talk about that. Victories, challenges, process, blocks - all are good topics to raise. If you'd like to cheer on or commiserate with someone else, please do - conversation is encouraged.

I gotta say, I have really enjoyed the interactions on other people's blogs while I've been doing this and I'm really looking forward to getting to know people a little better when the party is in my living room this month.

What kind of writing?
Whatever you like. If you want it to count, it counts.

How much do I need to write?
Any amount counts. The traditional minimum unit is an "alibi sentence" - a single sentence that lets you check in and say you've written today. But you don't have to write new words, either: research, editing, transcription, outlining, and other activities that get you closer to a finished draft all count. I plan to spend a lot of my month catching up on research that has been sitting in a first draft under a [look this up so it makes sense] tag.

How often do I have to check in?
Drop in or out at any time, or check in for several days at once, if you like. Just say what day(s) you're checking in for, so I can keep the tally straight.

What does the tally look like?
For each day, I list the people who checked in that day, and I publish the tally-to-date in every check-in post. (Please keep an eye on whether I got you down correctly!) You can use the running tally to recreate your performance for the month, but it's not going to be readily visible that one person wrote most days and another wrote only a few.

I'm looking forward to it! Welcome aboard. This entry was originally posted at https://the-siobhan.dreamwidth.org/542281.html. There are
comments on this post. Please comment there using OpenID.

write every day

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