don't know where I'm running now, I'm just running

Sep 02, 2020 08:00

How the fuck is it September?


Work gave company laptops to our entire department, which should hopefully help with some of the slowness and clunkiness of working remotely. I had to go into the office yesterday to pick it up, so while I was there I cleared out my desk. I mean, I don't know that I'm going to be moved when this is all over, but I also don't know that I won't be - and given how much money the bank has sunk into moving everybody into work from home this year I'd be pretty shocked if some bright spark didn't look at the cost of leasing all that prime Toronto real estate and think you know....

Man, I can collect an awful lot of crap if you plunk me down in one spot for a couple of years.


The vacation time that had originally been set aside for the much-lamented Australia trip is coming up. Axe and I have been trying to figure out how to rearrange the house to fit the new-to-us furniture, and well, the paint has 8 years (I think? Maybe?) worth of dings in it so we're going to use a week to repaint and defrag. And hopefully throw out more stuff. (Where does it all come from? I swear there is one of those cornucopia horns somewhere in this house, but instead of food it spits out coloured markers and old videotapes and ripped jeans and rusted screws and wicker baskets and boxes of envelopes.)

After that Axe is going to the US to visit the girlfriend. I think he's off his wick - not so much because of the visit, but because he's only allowed to enter the country by air. If he could drive down he could make the entire trip without contact with a single other human being, but instead he has security, waiting rooms, taxis, and of course being stuck in a box with however many people for a half hour. Twice

Once he gets back he has to quarantine in an AirBnB for two weeks, because there is no physical way for him to do it here. I'll be dropping off his computer and some groceries once he gets in. Maybe a cat, if the landlord says it's OK.


I woke up at 3 AM this morning and could not get back to sleep no matter how hard I tried. So now I'm at work. I feel like somebody threw sand into my eyes.


Long weekend coming up, very tired wahoo. This entry was originally posted at There are
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