a mind that's weak and a back that's strong

Aug 17, 2020 11:28

"I have an exam today and I forgot to study" anxiety dream has apparently been supplanted by "I'm on a crowded city street and I forgot my mask at home" anxiety dream. I've been getting them a couple of times a week - last night I was at a birthday party inexplicably being held on a street corner.


Reduced-drinking experiment has yielded the following preliminary results:

1. I can drink occasionally and be absolutely fine. "Occasionally" means once every two weeks or less.
2. My tolerance dropped off really fast.
3. There are demons in that there bottle, and if I forget item two, they will come out and eat me.

So drinks on special occasions is still a thing, I just have to pace myself so that I don't drink as fast or as much as "normal" because that will make me regret my entire life.

Other associated factoids:
Even one drink has a profound effect on my balance. (I deal with low-level dizziness all the time anyway because of a borked vestibular nerve.) Yoga is good vestibular physio and for the last month or so I've been doing yoga first thing in the morning and wow, does it ever make a difference if I've had a drink the day before. I was a clumsy person even before the nerve damage, I don't think I would have noticed the difference if I hadn't suddenly started trying to do tree pose before I've had a bloody coffee.

I am dropping weight really fast, and it's weirding me the fuck out.


It's ridiculously muggy because Toronto is a swamp in August and we've had a number of really heavy thunderstorms in the past two weeks. (Current tornado watch count this summer is up to 3.) One of them resulted in some water in the basement, so Axe got up on a ladder and cleared out the gutters and then spent some time patching cracks in the concrete around the walls. Basement DJ has reported dry carpet ever since and we've had a couple more storms since then so we have our fingers crossed that's taken care of it.


Work is gradually returning to normal after Big Project of Doom. One of our people has just returned from leave and we have a new hire starting today so I'm looking forward to our work load returning to something like manageable levels. I might even take some time off in September. That would be nice. This entry was originally posted at https://the-siobhan.dreamwidth.org/538008.html. There are
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your daily noodle, the gin palace, braaaains

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