Cross-posting to LJ has been broken for a while and I'm just now getting around to doing something about it. So we'll see if this works.
Basement DJ was sick for about three days and then recovered completely. His test came back negative so at this point we're thinking it wasn't Covid. My plan is to get re-tested next weekend and visit the old man the Friday after.
Somewhere in the middle of this Toronto had a tornado watch and I would have missed it if my sister hadn't texted me about it. From Spain.
A group called the
Afro-Indigenous Rising Coalition set up a tent city in front of Toronto City Hall and they recently got kicked out, so they've moved into the big park up the street from my house. I'm not up that way often so the first I heard about it was somebody on the mailing list suggesting people call the non-emergency police line to ask they be moved. I was extremely gratified that the overwhelming response to their suggestion was WTF, NO DON'T CALL THE POLICE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING? There is currently a discussion going on about organizing a neighbourhood group to help them with things like supplies and access to laundry.
I'm looking at resuming my books read posts, and man it's a short list. I used to be one of those kids that would carry as many books home from the library as they would let me check out, and now look at me.
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