Feb 20, 2020 11:17
Personal stuff:
make a dentist appointment (overdue since December)
make a doctor's appointment (overdue since October)
get my piercing put back in (fell out over the holidays, no time to get a new one)
visit the tattooist for final cleanup (overdue since December)
get a new chiropractor who actually has office hours when I'm not at work
sort out my tax info
Estate stuff:
put together the package for the car
sort the piles of paper and bills on my desk and make lists - what's closed, what's pending
make a to-do list for follow-up
put together tax info and figure out what's missing
When Axel gets home:
figure out what we're going to get rid of & rearrange the house
arrange to pick up furniture
go through list of questions from the lawyer
I have a class this Saturday 22nd
I'm in testing next Tuesday 25th to Friday 28th and have to go in to the office early
Axel gets home Wednesday 26th
plans with BC on Friday night 28th
plans with Axel on Saturday night 29th
I promised Jim I'd drop in to check on him the weekend of the 29th - maybe the Saturday afternoon?
I know there's a ton of stuff I'm missing. I've hit stack overflow in a big way.
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the gin palace