I have a collection of new bruises

Apr 29, 2019 17:30

Furniture has been hauled, boxes are everywhere, and the basement is substantially cleaner than it was a week ago. Axel was considerably less cleared out of the space than had been advertised, but everything has now been relocated to big piles on the other floors. The only thing left to do in the apartment tonight is fix the paint on some wall patches where I spackled and Ajay will be moving in on Wednesday. Then we spend the next several months playing house tetris.

The cats are very upset about the entire thing, especially the part where they are locked out of the apartment.

Tomorrow I am working from home so I can duck out for a couple of hours in the middle of the day and go to a protest at Queen's Park against the drug-dealer Premier's cuts to public health insurance. I'm not sure what kind of turn-out there will be - the education cuts protest was massive but that one was held on a Saturday. This one will take place when most people are at work, but then in theory the MPPs will be in the building so it might actually have more impact. Guess we'll find out.

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politikill, the gin palace

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