Achievement Unlock: Geezer!

Jan 02, 2013 11:34

I am in a most excellent mood today.

I know there is this trope that women aren't supposed to look forward to birthdays - especially one's 50th birthday - but they always make me feel like I've managed to get away with something. "Ha, ha! Still here world! And with everything still attach... With most of my stuff still... With only a few new scar... Um. STILL HERE! HA!"

I've been stiff and achy as hell for the last couple of days solely due to overdulgence. But as I told Darrell, there are a lot worse problems one could have than access to an overabundance of rich food.

My big resolution this year is about movement. Now that I'm off the meds and my vertigo is down to a manageable background roar I can get some serious exercise in. The crutches that I used to get through all the noise in my body and my head were very useful at the time, but now they are just habits. I can put them down and spend more of my time doing stuff that engages me with the world instead of hiding from it. And Axel has the travel-bug again so we're going to look at my finances and see if we can figure out a way to make that happen this year as well.

I'm looking forward to this year. This is going to be a good one.

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