Dreams of a Cherry in Milk-Blue Light

Nov 16, 2022 15:20

The Desert Bus is underway this week, so I'll keep this brief, but I had a wonderful image of Cherry in my dream last night. It was a deeper dream, and I don't think I'd have remembered it were it not for the alarm waking me up shortly after.

There had been a light war of some kind, maybe call it an insurgency. And in its aftermath there was an airplane doing some kind of security reconnaissance let's say. Some cool views that I don't remember enough / have time enough to comment on in detail. Eventually it became one of those situations where I was controlling the entire airplane remotely, as through a game controller, and I was having a hard time getting it to fly stably. I finally solved that problem by just not messing with it; it stabilized itself.

My next point of view was inside this plane, which had become much larger like unto Cherry's starship. It was very dark, with pale gray-white lighting erring just a speck on the side of blue. A metallic corridor, but curving so that the inner wall concealed who was coming. It was a small group of people, Cherry herself among them. I don't remember any of the others, or their roles.

In this dim light, dream logic dictated that no colors were discernible, or were otherwise severely washed out, so it was like I saw her-I, the disembodied dream narrator, not Josh-in near black and white. Her favorite colors to wear actually are gray and black and white, and her hair is silver, so this light didn't take away anything from her appearance. (Well, her skin has a color, but my mind glossed over that.)

I don't remember if she said anything. What I do remember was that her mere presence exuded the warm comfort of power. Hers was a very reassuring, powerful presence. Interesting, because she's very short, and was shorter than all the people flanking her. Just being there was a mood-changer.

A really interesting, compelling detail, one that I rarely dwell upon when writing her and thinking about her. Cherry is a very powerful figure. All of my avatar characters are, as are most of my Joshlike and Joshlike-shard characters in general. I don't focus on this with Cherry, but it's definitely there. It was good to be reminded of it, and it was good simply to feel. I haven't felt like that in quite some time.

galaxy federal, dreams 2022

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