Time Dilation, Spinaches, and Alice Roosevelt

Sep 15, 2021 22:46

Today was one of those days where I didn't even think about my minimum-of-one daily journal entry goal until I had already gotten into bed. Was working all day! So this is one of those rare cases where I'm going to cheat and backdate this. Let's just say there was a time dilation between me getting into bed and me getting out of bed. Yes, it's weird now, technically being 5:47 am the next day, but in twenty years who'll care about these seven hours? Checkmate, atheists!

Anyhow, it would be a little too meta to post a backdated journal entry about posting a backdated journal entry, so for your continued entertainment I present: RERUNS!! That's right, it's a Facebook post from yesterday:

Good Morning, America!

fb imports 2021, mate of song

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