Curious Tale Weekly Features Digest

Nov 01, 2015 03:17

Booooo! Welcome to a ~spooky~ Halloween edition of The Curious Tale Weekly Patreon Report. (I'm tired so I'm just copy-pasting the Patreon report this time.)

This week was a good one.

Over at Wiki Weekends I made a finalist selection: I'll be trying DokuWiki for Encyclopedia Reluria. (If you have any experience with DokuWiki and/or thoughts on it, I am interested!

On Curious Tale Saturdays I finished off the two-part arkend miniseries with an article about Silence's personal sword, the arkend Swift. Swift has been around for ages, but this is my first time writing about the sword comprehensively--the result of years of occasional research and even a little personal experience.

Most of my week, however, was spent on completing the Great Galavar section of the website. If you go there now, you'll see that everything is finished, except for the Archive page, which will be done by the end of the weekend. (Update: No it won't. A bunch of stuff got dumped on my plate Sunday; it'll be sometime in the week instead.) Vamping up this section of the site took a huge amount of work over many weeks, and I am thrilled to finally be at the finish line. Go check it out; the whole Great Galavar up to this point is already there and available to read for free. If you want to refresh yourself on the story, there's also a Synopsis page.

curious tale 2015

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