Title: A Song as old as time (2 of 12/13)
FanFic_50 Prompt: Friends (Writers choice)
Rating: This part G, over all pg13.
Summary: A chance visit to a bar and the unexpected arrival of an old acquaintance raises a lot questions for Jack and creates a dangerous situation for Ianto.
Notes: This is set during the first series after 1x06 Countrycide, but
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Comments 4
And he sings ;D Yay!
I originaly started writing this back in December as part of a Harlequin challenge, the challenge site kind of died and I started writing fics for fanfic50 and this then sort of took on a life of its own, as the original fic was going to be about 3000 words, and currently it about 21,000 - so just that bit longer than planned.
I'm debating on whether or not to start posting this out on a comm in parts or wait until it is all written and attempt to post it all in one go.
Wow, that much? ::grins::
Well, do you know were this is going to end? If so, then keep writing and post it out as it comes because the comments will keep you focused and (hopefully) keep you writing. If you don't, then keep it all together (post here though, for the little people ;))until you are finished and post it all at once.
LOL, dunno whether that helped at al, but oh well :P
I think i'll wait until I've got part eleven written, at that point I'll know if part twelve is going to be so long that it actually needs to be two parts, and then start posting out to the comms.
I'll be posting a part a day here on my journal just so I don't completely span peoples f-lists with like eight nine posts at in a day.
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