So bank holiday weekend and all that. Not so small wanted to go to the fair. Its been a while, but why not.
Dodge-ums are fun. I don't mind the little chair-a-plane thing. And carosels are nice. Not so Small didnt like the look of the big wheel, so that was a no. And theres always candy floss.
Then there's the whirlitzer ride. All bright and flashy, not so small likes the look of it, and homestly it looks like a suped up tea cup ride. All wavy floor and spinning seats. So i agree.
All i can say is never again.
The wavy up and down was fine, the speed of it and the sudden sharp direction changes on the seats, so that you felt gravity hit you and slam you backwards was definitely not. That it went on for a good five or six minutes, based on the fact they played two songs while we wizzed about didnt help either. I'd been ready to get off after less than one. More than ready.
I spent almost the entire ride with my eyes shut waiting for it to be over.
No so small whooped, yelled and absolutely loved it and wanted to go around again.
Ice cream based bribery subsequently happened and he was distracted by a hook a platic duck game. So from the perscpective of nearly eight year old no so small, it was a brilliant day.
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