Rivers of London Beta request - repost.

Jul 04, 2014 14:58

I posted a couple of days ago about needing to find a beta for some Rivers of London fics http://the-silver-sun.livejournal.com/236450 I'm still looking.

I know most people on my flist aren't in the fandom and I don't think anybody whose beta'd for me before is part of it - hence the problem finding somebody.

I'm looking for spelling/grammar/wandering tenses kind of beta - so familiarity with the books probably isn't necessary beyond knowing they are urban fantasy set in London - British English is used.

So in the hope that maybe somebody could take a look at one or two of them I'm willing to write a drabble/ficlet for you in exchange - with any character/pairing/theme in any fandom I've previously written in.

beta request

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