Title Tosh versus the 456 (or why CoE would have been 5 minutes long if Tosh had been around.)
Characters Tosh, Gwen, Ianto
Rating G
Word count 100
Tosh had just sent the reply when Jack, Gwen and Ianto hurried into the Hub.
“Did you hear it? All those children talking at once,” Gwen asked.
“Yes,” Tosh said pressing a few more keys. “There’s an alien ship in orbit responsible, I’ve sent them a message.”
“What did you say?”
“Next time use a phone or it’ll be something nastier than two hours of Agadoo sent to your ship.”
“Disaster averted.” Ianto smiled. “Now, who wants coffee?”
They never heard from the 456 again, although miles away a man called Clem remembered his real name and wanted some pineapples.