20k point for campnanowrimo reached

Aug 13, 2012 11:41

Thirteen days into campnanowrimo and I've just hit the 20k word count. Going to aim for 21500 by then end of today as I'm trying to build up a bit extra as I won't have much time to write this weekend as I'm off to a family wedding. So from about 9am Friday to Sunday afternoon/evening is going to be computer access free. So I'm going to try to get about 2.5k ahead of where I need to be by Friday, so all so I'll only have to write on Sunday is 1.5 to stay on track.

The night was drawing in when they finally left the relative safety of the farmhouse. A thin river mist was rising off the Elbano, and offered at least a little additional concealment on an otherwise clear night from the eyes of the Kondysian lookouts that would almost certainly be posted close to it.

Captain Creel led the way with three men all armed, their rifles ready and loaded, should they encounter opposition. The next eight men walked behind, carrying little but the charges and timers. Sarpedon and the three remaining men followed at the rear armed and ready to protect the explosives party should an attack come from behind.

They were little more than a half mile from the bridge following a dry gully which had probably once served as irrigation to the now tinder dry farmland, when a shot rang through the still night. The ball whipped past the ear of one of the lead men, blood splashing down from where it had just nicked it. Shocked and in pain he dropped his rifle, the sudden impact with the ground causing it to fire, the ball disappearing into the night.

Realising any chance of getting to the bridge was fading fast, Creel, motioned to the men carrying the explosives to crouch down, and then formed the armed men at the front of the party into a semi circle facing the direction where the shot had originated from. Once this was done he gestured to Sarpedon and the rear guard to circle round and try to find the position of the hidden enemy soldier or soldiers.

campnano, nanowrimo, original fic, writing

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