Torchwood and Doctor Who thinkiness

Jul 01, 2011 22:51

I saw over on doctorwho somebody discussing the nuwho series 2 episode Fear Her, and it got me thinking.

Fear Her which is set the day before and on the opening day of the 2012 olympics in London, when a load of people all vanish from the stadium, the sports commentator says "Somebody should call Torchwood."

So the Who 'verse Torchwood is still up and running and apparently known to sports commentators in 2012. Something with doesn't seem terribly likely the whole 'Torchwood as an organisation is no more' direction of the show.

So the question is did Who 'verse Torchwood diverge from Torchwood 'verse Torchwood after Stolen Earth/Journeys End?

We know what happened in Torchwood 'verse Torchwood, but in Who 'verse Torchwood maybe Torchwood had to go public, even they couldn't cover up the Earth being moved and then moved back to the whole world.

So people now know about them, kind of like how in real life people have heard of MI5, but beyond watching Spooks and James Bond films they haven't got any real knowledge of just what it is they do.

I suppose it boils down to: In Doctor Who Torchwood is known, and is still up and running in 2012, but in Torchwood it is all but destroyed in 2009/10. Both situations can't simultaneously be true in the same 'verse, so they must be now be in different ones.

What does anybody else think?

series: doctor who, series: torchwood, series: torchwood coe

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