Nov 20, 2006 14:49
I have been having problems with health and transportation all year. I have been lucky that i recover very well and the solutions have come along. If someone special didnt keep an eye on me you would probably read about me in the paper. I just started playing poker again and have qualified for a chance at some big prizes including 25k, Land rover, Harley, and some other car. I'd have to get really lucky to get them but I have a chance. I have been playing D&D 3.0 -3.5 on friday nights and every other saterday playing old Advanced. Battletech is making a comeback of sorts. I'll be getting lots of it this next year. My lifestyle is undergoing some dramatic changes. Starting in January, I'm going to get a denver city rec pass and go swimimng from 1 to 3 times a week. I hope to drop even more wieght and with luck shed off a lot of unwanted pounds. Wish I could see you guys some more. I have only seen like 7 of you lately. Hope everything is going well and wish you a great Turkey day(Thanksgiving)!!!!