Another tricky one her since I don’t really care about
systems but more about games and I can’ even narrow it down since I like games
on everything from SNES to the 360. I’m going to cut it down to one of the
current thre main consoles though. So let’s dig in shall we?
The Playstation 3 gets dropped right away since I only
really like LA Noire on the system and that isn’t even exclusive. I do like the
graphic quality but I got it mostly for the Blu-ray player.
Next up is the Wii. Now when this system first came out I was excited as hell
about it but the problem is what all of Nintendo’s systems have. Total lack of
any good games that make good use of the innovations after the first few
titles. I haven’t booted up my Wii for ages and the last game that looked
interesting was Sonic Colours and I got that on the DS instead.
Now the Xbox 360 looks to have won purely because it hasn’t necessarily had the
best titles but it has been consistently average. Oh and I quite like the Halo
series so that helps.
Next comes another prompt I’m going to waffle about
and not make a decision on since it is so stupid. So for now I’m Silica and don’t
go doing anything I wouldn’t.