Mar 24, 2011 02:41
"The optimist sees the world as it should be, the realist sees the world as it is and the pessimist sees both."
So where do I fit on that scale? To be truthful I don't fit on it at all. I match the profile for a pessimist but I'm more than that. The best I can put it is that I see what the world should be and what the world is but at the same time I believe that if I just try my hardest I can make the world slightly better for those around me and if I have to suffer to bring a smile to their faces then so be it, the price is worth the prize. hence anti-optimism. If you think this is kinda a random blog post then the three reasons for that are:
1) I've been neglecting this blog and wanted to post something
B) people on facebook don't seem to get it when I post status' about this and treat me like I'm depressed again
iii) it really is that random
One of the things that falls under this is the idea that everything is fleeting; not only sadness, pain and sorrow but also happiness. This sounds depressing at first but look at it this way: if you know everything will end then the good times are more enjoyable since you know the are not ever lasting but in contrast the bad times are more bearable because they will be over at some point in the future.
The other main part of it is that the world is a horrible place to live but there is nothing I can do about that. I can't fix the devastation of an natural disaster, I can't stop rape, murder and thing like that and I can't even save everyone who appears before my eyes. On the other hand if me taking a punch can stop my friend from taking it then I will, if sit out in the cold at midnight for hours can bring warmth to my friends hurting heart then I'll do it and if I'm inconvenienced just to make a certain special someone's life a little easier then it's a small price to pay. This isn't idle bragging either; I have done each of these things several times and will do them as many times as I won't stop until my loved ones have a simple happy life.
Oh and that brings me to my last little point. If you don't know from my twitter I have fallen for my manager at work and she is already taken but I'm okay with that. From where I'm standing I get to see her smile and that tells me she is happy and that's enough for this lifetime. I got tired of beating myself up over the fact that I'll never be with her and just decided to accept that fact so now I'm just glad she can be happy.
So there you have it, my world view. If you have any further questions or want me to explain something better then leave a comment and I'll get back to you. For now I'm Silica and don't go doing anything I wouldn't.