OK so I sent in my application to
Blistered Thumbs to be a Top List Editorial Specialist today. Basically it will involve making 4 creative top lists a month. This is the reason for that bonus blog I posted yesterday; they wanted two sample lists and on looking I only had one related to gaming. Now I did some thinking about how getting the gig would effect this here humble blog. The first thing I decided was that if I do make it (that's a massive huge if) I will be doing the things that are scheduled so no worries about that. Second I'm think of, at least at first, dropping the blogs but still posting the reviews since that would equal about the same workload. I might go back to bloging as well at a later date if I can cope with three updates a week or I might just blog when the mood hits me.
I do have plans for the next few months so we will see how that goes but as I said at the present time I will still pump out 4 reviews a month. Oh and don't worry you will be the first to know if I got in or not once I get the word, well it will go on my
twitter feed first so follow me over there if you feel like it. If I don't get in though I am thinking of changing the update days. As it stands right now my days off work are monday and wednesday but I update wednesday and friday and I can't be the only one who sees the flaw in that plan can I? I've yet to decide if I'm going to move the reviews to monday or move both back two days but first I'll wait till I hear back from BT.
I also have a warning to give: my insomnia that I've had all my life is acting up again so the update process may go a bit off in the next few weeks if not longer. If it keeps up for much longer I might try sleeping pills again (they didn't work the last time it acted up) and if it still persist I might see the doctor about it. Maybe something stronger would work for me and then maybe it wont but we live in hope.
Next up I just have to say this: watch the World God Only Knows. if you haven't read the manga then it's about a guy who is kickass at getting the girls in visual novels who due to a miss under standing with hell is saddled with a childish she-devil and must acquire evil souls that have escaped hell and are hiding in the hearts of girls. He does this by applying his game knowledge to the real world and makes them fall in love with him. No wait come back, it's better than it sounds! I have described it once before as "Death Note if it was a light hearted romantic comedy." The anime is just as good if not better, it has the best
opening I have ever seen and an
ending that only increases the foot fetish I gained from reading Negima. So once again go watch this anime, oh and read the manga too.
Oh and over the next week I plan to really crack on with my Tena on S-string reviews. I have volume 3 half written and will finish it up ASAP and then move onto vol 4 which is sat on my self waiting. To be honest the series is really picking up and I can't wait for vol 5 to come out just to see what happens next. And on this subject (sort off) I plan to learn how to at least read Japanese ( I have a head start on the language from reading loads of manga just need the kanji and a bit more knowledge and I'm golden.) mostly to play visual novels that don't have patches for them but specifically AKB1/48 that I have already ordered the
first print run limited edition. If I do this then I will start importing original language manga such as Tena so I would be able to update my reviews without having to wait for the translation release. Also I'm thinking of, if I can get up to date on Tena, starting the same thing for Bakuman since that only has one vol out in english at the moment and possibly doing others but it would have to be something short and finished (like Death Note) or something that isn't to far ahead in the vols (like My Girlfriends a Geek or Soul Eater) Have to wait and see how I do with Tena by this time next week.
So I'll see you on wednesday for a rather serious blog for once.