well it seems that i am going to be staying in Jacksonville a lil' longer so that means a couple days of missing school... if it were for a different occasion i may be happy...
Okay for to day a trip to E.R. around 11:30, last trip to the doc's they just gave me a painkiller for pain and they thought it would go away on it's own accord... but it did not... any who to day:
the inflamed large bowel became: infected colin, bowel, intestines, and all that good stuff that accompanies the digestive track... what joy and i haven't even got to the best part yet... time for the tests:
Blood test clear
urine test clear
ct scan clear (talk about a freezing cold room)
and for the best part of all...
drum roll please...
-drum roll-
stool test positive for blood...
yes that made my day...
well i just got home a lil' after six so we spent the whole day there... not waiting in the waiting room either, we got there a few mins. before the large crowd gathered. any who it looks like i am staying here until i can get to the gs specialist at the children's hospital (due to the age of which i currently am) well the cause is still unknown just like how gravity does not exist and it is a figment of the human imagination. (for those who knows of that conversation on which took place at the facility) ("facility" is known by those that took place in that conversation) if you did not take place in the gravity conversation, make up an unexpected pure non-logical phrase.
and the nurse in which had my room assigned to him reminded me of Al and Chris... i think it had to do with the hair and sarcastic comments upon which few received the point of comment.