Okay, so the spoilers are flooding in every day and some of us know everything (and boy, there's a LOT of stuff right now), some of us know nothing. To make things easier I decided to make this central ongoing post.
You are welcome to come in and squee/moan/discuss - whatever you want, whenever you want. Just no direct set pictures in this post
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Just for the record: for me, December is the worst month - I'm always behind on everything, then there's the before-Christmas rush and then you want to be with family and not invade cinemas or fangirl in front of your laptop, locked in your room, because you have Feels but rest of the family has no idea :P
Why do producers and everyone in film/show industry think that December is the best deal?? Look at first season of Sherlock - it got millions of viewers in August. I don't know what BBC wants. Another 8 million? But that's not gonna happen anyway even if they air...don't know when. The fact is, we would FIND our show even in October, do you hear me schedule people??
Seriously, if it goes out together with Hobbit, I'll be majorly pissed off. Yes, there's 12 months in a year damn it!
Why do I have to wait for such a long time only to be robbed of the possitive experience because too much good stuff is coming out at once and it's hard to divide one's focus...especially in Dec. D:
Second reason is it is getting a film that may not have a big box office potential, like say August:Osage County out in time to be considered for awards for 2013. It does not look like it is going to be a blockbuster films but it will probably have some high powered performances. Give time for the bored folks to see it in December and maybe start word of mouth about it and gives it time to be mentioned for some awards. When that happens a re-release is often done.
I used to work with a man who began with a small theatre and a drive-in and bless him, he is quite wealthy now :) I had a small potatoes job but I did catch onto some things.
I get it when the movie is not so popular and they want to increase the chances in box office. But Hobbit...Do they seriously think that less people would come in November?
It's funny, because the only reason I go to cinema in Dec. is because new things are coming out. I wouldn't put my foot there otherwise in a such a stress packed month, lol. How gladly I'd go in Sept., October, or even in this boring March.
Also, we were speaking about movie industry here, but what about TV series? I hate when everything gets mingled together :( Because you have these long months where literally nothing happens, them 'boom' and then it's all over again.
I was thinking how awesome it would be if we got Sherlock once a month for example. That would make three awesome months of squeeing and going on about new things, etc.. But instead the eps fly by so quickly that I have no time in between to actually enjoy the feel of 'new episode' and then there's nothing for god knows how long.
Of course this is not gonna happen though, we will get everthing nicely together :P
I hope they do air Sherlock in late November but I am wondering if they want the holiday audience for the tv, the ratings seemed to be good last time when they did that.
I think that if someone risked their release in October for example, they could be pretty surprised about the amount of people who would come and see it :p
Well, ratings were great even in August for S1, weren't they? I just hate that their are following these stereotypes... :/
Ironman and Star Trek are coming out in early May, right? The Avengers movie came out last year then and it did great box. There was a flock of films after that like Snow White...then nothing much big again. I ended up going to a movie every week or other week between May and June and then really nothing until Dec when the Hobbit came out. Sheesh.
TV series do this for the same reason. People are home, or visiting and wanting more entertainment in December. Once again, it seems really odd since everyone is busy but in that very business they seem to make room for even more things to do.
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